
Quick question. Is QC 3.0 chargers also good for devices with QC 2.0?

Quick question. Is QC 3.0 chargers also good for devices with QC 2.0?

Do PC gamers still use trainers?

Its a known gimmick.

Disappointments will ruin the game. For me, just be true to the story and maybe add some surprises. FF7 is better in storytelling. Any new new gameplay mechanics is just fine by me. It’s not the 90s anymore.

Yeah, I played PO but PW was really appealing to me.

Metal Gear Peace Walker art really stands out among the franchise.

Just wondering, of all the Marvel characters, why does he has the one to have a movie?

I got to watch Aerith die again. This time in glorified HD!

History repeats itself. Communicating thru emoji is like hieroglyphics all over again.

The term expansion is so 90’s. Kids today call it, DLC.

Water expires?

But plastic water bottles have expiration dates? It would be nasty in the long run, seeping carcinogen into them foods?

My gawd those comments! People here are difficult to be pleased.

I bought a DVD of FF7: Advent Children a year after it was released. I enjoyed it on my regular tube back then. Years after that, I have bought a PS3 and a decent Sony LED TV and I want to see Advent Children, that remastered edition, again for whatever reason. Watching it on the tube is great but watching it on a big

Dont talk to those people like theyre careless dudes. Its not just their priorities as of now or soon as the crisis rises. I live in a place near countryside, seeing those people probably dont know how to email, they are not even illiterates, it doesnt suite their lifestyle.

Was it only me that see those persons, from animators to the directors, had fun creating the movie like a child to his/her Legos?

Two words; downloadable content.

This gives developers ideas on how to milk money on us by DLCs of course.

Is that person responsible for DotA splash screens? He's gotten good!

Office is at it's peak form. You'll know it when the "alternatives" are using Office as their template for copying. Probably the most underrated program too.