
Im using SkyDrive and Google Drive. Is Dropbox any better?

Yeah, its a water proof phone with good camera. But how can you take pictures UNDER WATER if it has no camera button? I see none. Samsung never learned from Xperia Z's mistake.

The phone is water proof. Dip it in water if in case it gets dusty.

Another way I like to play Tetris.

A good way to play tetris is to let Twitch play it.

I smell another photoshop contest here.

Better if it comes to story line. Japanese do it best; no story arching, no extended episodes, and no switching cable channel host. I love the Power Rangers but I dont like them.

Not all people play Starcraft. I want to know whats their reason? If its the biggest esport, then why not all gamers play it?

Whats wrong in asking a question? It doesn't mean that if you play it, everyone else should play it too. Im asking because I dont know why I didnt like to play Starcraft.

Why People Never/Don't/Didn't Play Starcraft?

I stopped reading when I saw the retina word.

Graphics and gameplay should be on equal footing. Many games today, especially indies, rely more on unique gameplay rather than focusing more on graphics. Not that they suck at graphic development. For me the time I always appreciate graphics is the 1st to 2 hours of gaming, the latter Im more focused on gameplay.

Wheres the power button?

Isnt a disc-less console as good as a PC?

"Please pay $1.99 to battle Psycho Mantis without the controller port 2 option."

Yes and its all easy to put in PR that the hackers do it. End of story. Also its also easy to pinpoint someone whose anonymous rather to point fingers at someone who has great responsibility.

More 2014 Resolution From Japanese Game Developers:

Devs blow up, they say hackers do it eventhough they didn't. It's EA. What should we expect?

Just three points:
1) They dont get the unboxing right the first time.
2) Theres Sony, MS and Sega. No Nintendo?
3) Waiting for racist jokes...

Theres internet connection on the Mt. Everest?