
As much as I know, men from conservative countries can't resist these kind of temptations(?) and attention because they were...conservative. They did or cannot express their sexuality due to some reasons, maybe culturally, and adhere that these sexualites are kinda new to them.

All I wait is Beefy's comment!

So she couldnt take much of the popularity? To be a sex symbol? What about Ms. Ozawa?

Ugh, I'm tired of this.

An assassination is defined generally as: "to murder (a usually prominent person) by a sudden and/or secret attack, often for political reasons."Alternatively, assassination may be defined as "the act of deliberately killing someone, especially a public figure, usually for hire or for political reasons."

You are paying the company to advertise for the company.

"Im Dagger and Ill kill the company who made me. I aint scared of Lightning, she's not even FF-ish enough. She is like that time warper Aya."

For a moment there, I really thought Konami and SE were making a Metal Gear game. whew!

here in the philippines we called it labong. we used to cook it with coconut milk. its very delicious!

WOW! The Vita has the zoom-to-boob function?! I want this feature on DOA.

Man, that story is heartfelt. These are the times I wish Phoenix Downs were true...

I believe FF games before the advent of PS3 are on focus especially on VII up to X. These games are being worked one at a time. And these kind of games are what should Final Fantasy should be, would be and will be.

So why dont let Hiroyuki Itō direct all FF games?

It looks like a prequel to Temple Run...

Guys, what are your criterias, ideals, or standards when it comes to real survival horror? Do you still prefer PSX-era survival horror; plain and simple?

I think multiplayer spoils true survival horror. How can you horrify yourself if you have comrades terminating zombie hordes? Its better played, alone, in a gloomy dark room, with you and Nemesis alone. AANDD! No DLC please!

#4 just look like one of the Windows 7 wallpapers.

I think this might be the reason.

At least she is not in googly eyes...

Nokia is better at selling low-cost phones, so why not sell WP7 phones that are cheap. That is, if you are going for number of mobile subscribers.