
First one’s better than the second IMO - better pacing, better jokes, less ‘we’re going to intentionally give you unfunny and nasty things to do just to push buttons’. I also enjoyed the first game’s gameplay more - in between combats is pretty similar, but the combat system in the first game is much more in tune with

See also: No One Lives Forever.

When Swatting finally saves someone...

You have that backwards. The PC game is not an adaptation of the board game. 

I keep thinking I’m watching Kirito from Sword Art Online doing the slashing... :D

This piece helped me convince my family to buy #3 tonight and they had a lot of doubt ... but then we spent 2 glorious lovely fun hours with this game. great reflections on the big why and the admiration of the craft Zack! Would love a longer piece on the company and their processes 

I would pay a good amount of money to just have all the games currently available in one package, with the ability to play them all from that one app. 

I’m going to work on my backlog this year. Less games as a service, and more campaign based games that offer a climax within 30 hours. I looked back at what I played most this past year, and it was Destiny 2, WOW Classic, and Modern Warfare, pretty much the same games that I’ve been playing for years, in one manner or

Yeah, I really wish we got a sequel to Last Jedi. 

Would anyone happen to know any other hidden gems of JRPG’s out there? I was really taken by surprise when I found The Trails games and ended up binging the three Trails of Cold Steel games back to back and was wondering if anything else that isn’t mainstream really compares, aside from the rest of the Trails games.

It came out five days ago. Everything seems longer in the age of Trump, but five days is objectively not that much time.

It feels wrong to enjoy it, but I do. I played the original FF12 on release and with all the problems I had with the game, I hadn’t remembered all these years later that slowness was one of them. I played Zodiac Age this Spring and told myself I wouldn’t go fast mode but quickly tried 2x and within a few hours could

Trails in the Sky. If you enjoy that trilogy, I recommend taking the time to obtain the unofficial english translations of the two Crossbell games before playing Cold Steel because all the games are essentially direct sequels to another, but with some of Cold Steel happening at the same time as Azure/Zero.

Nah. If you clear each field/dungeon of monsters one time, that’s enough to keep you from being underleveled. Turbo combined with auto battle in cold steel 3 makes battles with trash mobs last only seconds.

Far from it, experience scales based on your level so if you’re underleveled you get way more exp from battles, and if you’re at the proper level or overleveled you get practically no exp anymore.

Walking out of the theater I knew I really didn’t like it but your plot summary reminded me that I actually HATED it. This movie throws so much shit at you that it’s genuinely hard to collect your thoughts afterward, so the recap was much appreciated.

There’s a lot of things that annoy me about the Sequel Trilogy as a whole, but one of the ones that annoys me the most is the lack of Anakin.

It does, however TIE Fighter starts right after the Imperials invasion of Hoth. X-Wing leads up a New Hope. The story in TIE Fighter then tells events between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi and a short time after ROTJ (after the Emperor's Defeat). The character you play as, Maarek Stele, does not