
Xenogears is my burden, I’ve reached the second disc at least 3 times on different playthroughs. I don’t even know how it ends, someday I’ll actually finish it.

I prefer FFVI, but that top 3 is pretty sweet :D

Hi, the limited number of turns is manageable, and if Crag has 10 cards that limit would be 25 turns. No scenario i’ve played has gone over the 12 rounds on the marker (maybe not even 10 rounds even), and we’ve beaten more than 50 scenarios now (the last 10 on “very hard” even). It might be harder to manage when

I was under the impression that the Kree inhibitors are the same used in Agents of Shield season 5, on Quake and the other Inhumans. I think it works as intended but Captain Marvel is just too powerful for it, when she actually fights back.

You can control the camera with the right analog stick, and center it with L2. You can also use the original control scheme that uses R2 and L2 for turning it. It takes some getting used to but it runs like a charm.

Awesome, thanks for the tip!

Awesome, thanks for the tip!

Yeah, not really that hard. It’s pretty hard to 3-star everything though, but me and my wife did it in 1 to 3 tries per level (except maybe 2 harder ones). The final level is pretty hard though, it might get easier with more people, idk.

These are pretty good choices, I have a couple to add, but they might be hard to get because they are from Argentina.

That’s a joke right? You sure you got the right game?

That’s a joke right? You sure you got the right game?

It’s called comissioning, i’m sure you can find someone to draw it for you :P

There’s no improving perfection.

Dragonstone being empty was addressed in the episode. Stannis left nothing behind when he led his army to the north.

The first one is the only one that’s really hard, Crash 2 and 3 are pretty easy. Apparently it’s harder than the original, that explains the extremely hard to get colored gems (not dying once), but that’s about it, it’s just really hard to plat, not to beat normally.

You can put group chat as the default in options, even when you are grouping. I use Blizzard’s App chat for my group.