
“Slice of psycho to go”- I love it and I am stealing it :p

This is a beautiful form of protest! It’s given me the idea to write my favourite museums and suggest they explore doing something similar.

I think you’ve made an important argument in these comments about fat-shaming and also, discrimination against fat people. The person you were responding to seems to have missed the point, but I am still very glad you made it, so that his/her stance did not go uncontested.

Exactly! Thank you for pointing this out so effectively!

Thank you for making this point. I am sometimes taken aback by how “Eurocentric” people in North America and Europe can be. European does not loosely translate to civilized and liberal.

Thank you for this post. It was cathartic reading it. And you are so right.

I didn’t even know this existed. Thanks for posting it.

This and this!

I use them to store laundry in when my laundry basket is full. (which is often; I feel like my laundry basket is magically always full; I can never make my way through to the bottom) They’re perfect for that.

I love your username! Both community and Doctor Who are amazing!

Ha ha, this is brilliant. We need gallows humour to get through this year :(

Yes it is! For instance, scary island on RHONY was hillarrible. On the other hand, Christmas at Dorinda’s this past season was not. A hillarrible moment is a delicate, beautiful thing, not easy to achieve.

Did you coin the word “hillarrible”? I love it!

Brilliantly done!

I don’t know if anyone suggested this already, but my partner and I are going to donate to a few of these organizations in Hillary Clinton’s name. It feels therapeutic to us to do that. I admire her for what she has withstood and for being a brilliant, strong woman (sure I do not agree with all her policies, but there

I had the exact same thought!

Ha ha, I had the exact same question!

Nothing too spicy for debate night. In case one ends up regurgitating.

I’ve PVRed it but I’m not sure if I should watch it. I am only marginally interested. I feel like we hit Peak Trump over the weekend.

Thank you for this uplifting comment! I hope you’re right!