
P.s. thanks for the heads up :)

Ha ha, I ran over to the living room and set it to record! I just don’t like the ads, so I will start watching at 12:10. a.m. I am supposed to be revising a chapter of my thesis, but this is IMPORTANT.

I forgot to PVR it!!!

That’s an interesting point. I suppose, were she to have been a man, she might still have adopted the same policy. So you may be right :)

I completely agree with both of you! I feel like HurrayforHollywoodWanker’s stalker, given the way I’ve been starring his/her comments :)

I totally agree with this. Also, if Luann felt the need to pretend as though she didn’t have casual sex with men, that is a result of the patriarchal society we live in (a society which maligns women for being sexual beings who enjoy their lives). Bethenny, by questioning Luann and “holding her to account” for her

I think you made an important and valid point. Thank you for being the voice of reason and empathy.

What don’t you follow? You’ve simply restated the poster’s argument. It would help if you explained where the problem in her logic is, or what exactly is unclear to you.

Oh my god! This sounds AWESOME!

Oh! So sorry, ignore my comment. I just read comments below that explain the title. They didn’t initially show up on my phone, for some reason (I am used to reading Jez on my laptop).

This might be silly of me, but I cannot understand that title. I know it’s in English, and yet, I cannot understand it. I read it as: “Created to be his Help Meet: Discover how God can make your marriage glorious” and thought, does “meet” really mean “meAt” and the publishers made a typo? Otherwise, it makes NO sense

Also, why did they pick Squared? Sure, the founders of the brand were born in Toronto, but how Canadian is the brand if they don’t even have a store in Canada, whereas they have plenty scattered across the U.S and one in Mexico?

I just got permanent residence in Canada and I have to say, as much as I wanted to feel some sort of excitement about the team and their uniforms, those outfits are Horrendous.

I thought the same thing! It seems like a highly likely explanation for why they continuously talking about being on the “charity circuit”.

I think the killer was being sarcastic, sort of menacingly sarcastic.

Exactly! In the summer I walk around my neighbourhood with two objectives/hopes: meet random neighbourhood kitties sunning themselves; and find cool stuff that people have left out on the curb.

I found the toy analogy particular problematic. I was going to type up a response, but then saw yours.

The place sounds amazing! Do you know what happened to the chefs? Maybe the set up shop somewhere else with some other interesting concept/food?

There’s no shame in pleasuring oneself ;) right?

Oooh Vincent D’Onofrio is VERY attractive! I even love him in Law and Order.