Chocolate Velvet

Testing. Am I here?

No, thanks.

I have been a huge fan of King since I was a kid, and of the Dark Tower series since the first novel was published in trade paperback in the 80's. I always intended to avoid any movie adaptation or interpretation, because I assumed it could only ruin one of my favorite stories. There is no way to adapt it

I just got into this show, and they're changing it? Bummer, dude. Oh well, I still have the rest of the current season on PBS to enjoy, and two seasons I haven't watched yet on Netflix, as well as that Masterclass series where Paul and Mary prepare recipes from the competition and then sit in the garden

The problem with Bear is that it is one of those subscription-based apps that charges you an ongoing fee to use it. I think the subscription model for apps is generally a huge ripoff. Bear is nothing special, and all you get for your yearly/monthly fee is access to a few extra features that come standard in other

This seems alarmist and silly. The lists I've seen did not involve chronology, and most people were not specifying dates or other details. Just a list of bands, and not every band a person has seen live, just nine of them chosen at random. Your basic Facebook profile has more useful information for hackers than

Yay! I have been looking forward to season three. I love this show, and I am glad AV Club will be reviewing it!

Yeah, I don't think it's too much to expect the writer to actually read through the review once before they submit for publication. Just read the damn thing, and correct the obvious spelling and syntax errors. Also, don't use phrases like "all for naught" if you don't know how to spell them. Sheesh.

Every time I have the misfortune of hearing Michael Rappaport talk, I just want to slap the taste out of his mouth. He was on the Denzel Washington is the Greatest Actor… podcast once and I could not listen for more than five minutes. He yaps nonstop in a loud voice, and is so obviously impressed with his own

Ben Affleck, your manager said for you to SHUT. UP.

About Frank Ocean's Blond(e), I love that album and I loved it from the first time I heard it. But I was not really familiar with Channel Orange, so I was not ever comparing it to his previous work.

Yes. There was no way the people on the second floor would all have been able to get out quickly, even if the space were not filling up with toxic smoke:

This bit was very funny.
I am sure those people were compensated with a gift card or coupon for free stuff, and went away smiling at the thought that they get to be on a show, on the TeeVee!

Altitude sickness?

MLK had something to say about folks like you, who demand moderation from the targets of bigotry, and I am certain it is not what you would like to think he said. You should familiarize yourself with it, or anything else the man actually said, before you invoke his name to defend your bullshit.

For me, the movie Moonstruck has been a sanity-saver. It is so funny and emotional and ridiculous, and it ends with all that family closeness, which is something I don't have in my own life.

"Is it really different than any other person's religious beliefs?"

On the plus side, Dick Cheney is one of the many very rich people who own homes there. So, uh, there's that.

Oh my, I had no idea:
"How can it equal one? If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told its two, and that cannot be."

I just finished listening to it twice.