Chocolate Velvet

"Stars", Nina Simone is the artist.
Song and lyrics can be found here, the lyrics are worth reading, they seem to sum up the entire series, really.…

Apparently there are a bunch of trash-talking Pokemon on Twitter.
What a time to be alive!

"…a less-discerning … Burger King will probably welcome you with open arms."

Aww, come on, cut Matthew some slack. He's just a chill dude trying to pull down a chill acting paycheck. Wild Turkey is right in his zone in terms of typecasting. He ain't hurtin' nobody, mannnnnnn.

This whole discussion just makes me want to watch the episode of DS9, "In the Pale Moonlight" one more time.

Yes. You said what I was thinking.

The episode of Lady Dynamite that dealt with racial issues was truly the best treatment of the topic by white comedy writers that I have seen in a long time. It did not address BLM per se — but then, the point they made is that it is not possible to avoid making it all about yourself and your amazing "statement",

ALIEN: Einstürzende Neubauten

ALIEN: Front 242

Hmm. I don't know much about the law, so I'm sure this is bullshit, but I can imagine a scenario where Paramount would regret pursuing and winning this lawsuit. By establishing a legal precedent breaking out certain specific intellectual properties within the ST universe, as opposed to the one big property over

This was great, and I am a huge fan of Kamau Bell. I liked Totally Biased but I love the DWIGAOATP podcast. Denzealot for life!

>my editors here are encouraging me to subtly turn this into the “Silly Little Scientology Book Club”

That's so right. You rock, Paulette!

Hmmm, that's odd. You can add photos to your comment via Disqus on some other sites, I did not realize you can't do that here. What's up with that?

Mad Max: Fury Road SUCKS.
That movie was a huge disappointment. So much so that watching it made me angry.
Sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks. Suxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!

Mary Connell (Nikki Cox) on Las Vegas. She starts off as a hooker, but morphs into some nonspecific manager at the hotel and her only defining trait seems to be "victim". The way she was always so pointlessly whiny and unstable, and when she got "tough" in the fourth season it was even worse because she was still a

Logan's Runs: IBS

That's what I was thinking as well — so much reporting on tweets. I mean, the majority of these supposed web-shaming events, I don't see or hear about until they are reported by news outlets. Then I might search around to see what the fuss is about, or not. I am on Twitter, FB, tumblr, and Instagram — but I keep my

TL:DR version of the comment below: I never, for one second even as a teen in the 80's, failed to notice about The Breakfast Club or Sixteen Candles that *every central character in those films was white and living in the posh suburbs*. I evaluate these films as a commentary on that cultural cohort, and find no

Well, maybe better to say no theater you went to carded kids in the 70's and 80's I got carded all the time as a young'un in those days, so we would just buy a ticket for the PG movie starting at the same time and go watch what we wanted. It happened even when I went to see an R-rated movie with my own mother. I was