
“Saint Louis University”

Magary: Busch Gardens is an alpha level amusement park, and i’ll here none of this “it had its charms” bullspit. What about the Hofbrauhaus? The Big Bad Wolf, which was built with the gimmick of making you feel like you’re going to be thrown into the deep green woods below at any moment? Beer school? Approximate

I don’t wanna be that guy on Jezebel, but you’re definitely nudging misogyny in there where there isn’t any.

I was getting on booboo tum tum, but tinkle burn is a pretty high level ouchy.


IMHO, Black Panther has always been the palatable version of Batman. His pathos makes sense, his shrewdness is consistent and - most importantly - he is genuinely ruthless and without the weird, warped, constant and holy nonsense-ethics of Bruce Wayne.

seems cool, but from that shot i have the sneaking suspicion The Division skimps on the Eighth Avenue porn shops, Bosnian video stores and piles of human waste that we New Yorkers have become so fond of. #smh

You kinda sound like someone who says Holtzclaw should receive leniency because of his smashed football dreams.

I’d agree with you.

i think the best comparison is having a really, really smart professor who gave okay classes, but gets far too caught up in tangential issues and leaves you confused around finals time. that’s how i felt about MHP: talented, watchable, but garbled and lacking in flow. but that’s just me

I feel as though you kind of missed my larger point.

I know this is going to never appear with the grown-up comments for some reason, but the painful truth is that she was not great during roundtables, constantly put herself and her sometimes screwball opinions ahead of guests and - one thing that people aren’t thinking about - probably put her production team through

Also, other NYC sports jabronies: have you noticed Boomer and Carton’s bizarre, out of touch rich guy defense of the policy? It’s infuriating.

Elihu Root: back from the dead for Deadspin commentary


As it is said, “Forewarned is foreboned.”

Soccer: Not Even Once.

Please... no more soccer...

Are you that drunken posse?!

Conan can’t annoy me. The Deadspin “blanket ban on criticizing Cam Newton for fear of being called racist by sports hipsters” deeefinitely does though.