
Also a reminder of why I keep voting Republican. You people are terrible.

Or he has the same right as the people protesting, you just don’t like the message.

Or “Kevin Hart to replace Tyrese Gibson in Fast and Furious franchise”

You forgot Jordana Brewster, who rests somewhere between that woman hooked up with both Torretto and Hobbes and ... Scott Eastwood.

Scott Eastwood put in a worse performance than that CGI vault in the fifth one.

The answer to nearly everything.

Tyrese’s importance to the F&F series is somewhere below that of a modified Subaru.

Hey, this dude and I share a birthday! That is sort of cool!

They should just recast him with Don Cheadle.

You could have just titled this “Tyrese Gibson quits Fast and Furious franchise”

Interestingly, Ratner, who once dated Serena Williams...

The leader of Patriot Prayer, a White Supremacist organization, is a Japanese-American man.

Which is funny because once you really know Asian people, you realize that it is only they Asian women who are chasing after white dudes who are compliant. Even then, they could be faking that shit to get married.

The number of racist white guys with asian wives/gfs is mind-blowingly high.

Ugh! Agreed, it’s not cultural appropriation. It’s just that Aaliyah is sacred at this point and anything Kardashian is tainted.

I always believed the Kardashians to be very calculating with everything they do to protect the precious brand. But this year seems to be filled with Ls for them.

That line about how Zionists treat it as a zero sum game while Palestinians don’t just about made me roll my eyes in its ignorance of the reasons for why most every peace plan has failed in the past. For all sorts of reasons, many even justified, both sides have things they don’t want to compromise on that make this

Well put. This is one of the most complicated conflicts in history and yet many seem to want to make it Good Guys v Bad Guys. It’s not. It’s a total clusterfuck, is what it is.

Did Jezebel seek out a viewpoint from the other side, or are the editors simply comfortable with the context-free claim that Israel and Zionism are simply a modern nationalist movement? Nothing about the utter failure of the Enlightenment in Europe to successfully integrate Jews as Jews without demanding they abandon

Spot on