
cut this bull sh***t, Israel is better then South Africa, even if you don’t like Israel current policies like me, it is obviously better, for example, Israel has over 1 million Arab citizens and has a free press and are allowed to be any religion you want.

Some Black Americans sure love them some South makes no fucking sense, but they do.

I have a lot of complicated thoughts on this. I am not qualified to speak about the comparisons to apartheid, Jim Crow or BLM. I do have two kiddos who have, as adults and of their own volition, embraced their Jewish ancestry & have been targeted because of it. Those same two kiddos believe in the need for a sovereign

Yes, this is the issue, not Franken. The wealthy donors controlling the conversation on both sides of the aisle is a massive problem to me. Until the country can figure out how to run candidates for elections without spending millions upon millions of dollars this issue is not going to be addressed. Money continues to

Campaign donation limits = the solution to rich idiots having WAY too much power and influence.

It’s quite cute.

Am I the only one who’s more fascinated by the cat casually stiing on a flatscreen?

Is it just me or is that white cat of theirs frakkin huge.

One day they’re kart racing, and the next day they’re winning F1 world championships like Lewis Hamilton. Also, that’s an adorable racing setup.

You’re accurate. I know where we are and what time it is. You and I both know the result of the bigger picture. I’m just nosy. I’m sincerely curious about which words they use to reconcile the self-proclaimed label against their entitlement to constant applause.

Chile, don’t even bother trying to make sense of it. They think wearing a flattering, $35k black Oscar de la Renta dress for the cameras should exempt a white woman of any scrutiny of her past behavior. Pussy hats part deaux.

Can you help me understand what allyship entails? As a Black woman, I’m really confused about what people believe goes into being an ally. I see so many people declaring themselves to be allies and then everyone acts as if that label exempts them from unpleasant inspection or correction. So Rose says some of the women

bingo. she’s a white, attractive, young blonde woman - marketing gold for sponsors and NBC. it was the only reason she leap frogged to third in 2014. enough with her. she couldn’t qualify in 2014, shit the bed in sochi, and finished 4th again in 2018. i could care less what she did in other events. those results show


This. All of this.

This Wagner person sure is fascinating.

I finally have a name to put to the face!

The gossip about Meryl is that she heard some gossip about Weinstein and warned her daughters to avoid him, all before the worst gossip about Weinstein was confirmed soooo...well, it’s just gossip? FWIW

As the list of women HW targeted grows AND the disturbing tactics he utilized to his benefit, well, I’m with Rose here. The man made preying and targeting women literally a full-time job. How in the hell could all these bigwigs have not known? And how the hell did he run a business when all of his time was spent

The reason for Skipper’s resignation won’t change what he had done for Le Batard’s career.