
Successful hunters wear camouflage.

Emma Watson on Beyonce’s tits in 2014:

Right, because veterans and widows have never ever been at a SOTU address before.

Because everything has to have a red and blue side, even the death of a Navy SEAL.

He probably moonlights at young turks :P

Nice to see you don’t let your own political views influence your writing.

still scratching my head at how people can identify as a different gender but can not identify as a different race.

It’s because you’re threatened by how strong and funny she and her vagina are. Now, acknowledge it!

The trailer doesn’t seem very funny.

Her standup is fine. She gets a lot of shit for stealing jokes, but that just happens in comedy, especially TV special comedy. Jimmy Kimmel at the Oscars basically “stole” a joke from Tina Fey at the Golden Globes about actresses losing weight for films. I really really liked Trainwreck and her 12 Angry Men episode on

Ayatollah probably didn’t allow him to come to the US.

Yes, I have often seen Asian women who won't date Asian guys because they claim Asian guys are Patriarchal....then they proceed to date some of the most sexist, patriarchal and douche-baggy white dudes I have ever seen.

All that would do is reinforce the perception in their minds that Asian men are patriarchal.

I find it helps to parrot stereotypes about Asian women back at them to make them realize how down right stupid they sound. Like oh so you're just a subservient chinadoll or a sexy dragon lady right? Didn't think so :/

I wonder why that is...why are some groups more likely to buy into stereotypes or beauty ideals that leave people who look like them out.

I think your explanation perfectly encapsulates the subconscious reflexes that western stereotypes of Asian sexuality create in you.

As a white male, I find my fascination with Asian women unexplainable other than I find them more beautiful than any other ethnicity. I'm chalking it up to some genetic code that someone smarter than me could explain.

YES. My roommate had an Asian female teacher who apparently made some half-joking, half-serious statement about Asian men having Asperger's. I was livid.

I'm Asian and the older I get, the more I find myself gravitating towards Asian and half-Asian men.

YES. My (asian) sister is guilty of this shit and it pisses me off to no end.