Chocolate Covered Puns

There is more to policy making than acting out slogans. Demilitarize the police, yes. De-arm the police, yes. Reconstruct policing as community service, yes. But pushing disbandment without a plan is insane. There has to be a replacement l. If the plan is to replace with community volunteers, they need large education

I am really struggling with what is going on with these Jezebel writers lately. They are just shitting on people for ridiculous reasons, blatantly missing the point, and from the comments it’s more than obvious that they are entirely out of touch with their audience. The fact that they’ve *more than once* mocked

Moisten the scones, for they are unacceptably dry.

I don’t think anyone thinks she is a hero here - I think she just wants to get as far away from all of this as fast as she can.  This guy isn’t going to last to long in jail I suspect.

Not sure I liked the idea of Catra being forgiven and rewarded with a relationship after being all toxic and abusive. Abusers are not owed the relationship they sough simply because they have a change of heart. 

Instead of zombies, the main monster is dollar dollar dollar bills, y’all!

A VPN also allows you to access streaming content that is available in other countries but due to licensing contracts, has not been made available in your home country. Seems to be a bit of legal gray area but it’s something to know.

If there is one thing our current fandom climate should have taught us it’s that adults don’t grow out of fandom.

I DID watch the series... both seasons, actually. I didn’t walk away with the opinion that Stephen Avery was innocent, but I do believe that Brendan Dassey’s confession should have been thrown out. After hours of being interrogated with no parent or lawyer present, he started to agree with police, guessing what they

If kinja allowed me to give stars, I would give you all of them.

The comments on the original Jez article were a shameful cesspool of white feminism. SO many Jezzies were defending these white female authors piling on a grad student for suggesting that Dessen’s milquetoast YA novels may not have been the best choice for collegiate readers and that a book about discrimination in the

Roxane Gay and NK Jemisin, to name two non-white women with privelege, were part of the pile on. The ingroup here is successful published authors.


Shutting down the only dedicated politics website in your portfolio right before the 2020 election, one of the most consequential of our lifetime, kicks into high gear. Essentially shutting down the second-most highly trafficked website in your portfolio because one out of every twenty five posts rankles you. I’m not

I am vowing to actively NOT patronize any advertisers on this site. And that goes triple for any auto-play shit.

You should learn to read.

shocking that someone employing an MLK quote on social media did not actually mean it

Uecker deck.

Ultimately, it was crossing the thin line between“honky honky” and “dead honky” that led to the suspension.