
Maybe he should have been ordered to open a bakery.

Honestly, he just should have been expelled. Sexual abusers typically abuse more than one person, and the article indicates he did just that. He presented a danger to students.

I bake bread and cookies for my family for fun. It’s hard to see how that’s supposed to express remorse, let alone an understanding for the trauma he caused to the young woman.

He really is performing at peak shitty ex-boyfriend level right now. Casting himself as the victim of Taylor’s totally understandable desire to taken credit for her own work - like, fuck this so much.

We’re also Canadian haha. She’s very Italian Catholic but still, no excuse. We were talking birth control at lunch and as soon as she mentioned it, i told her that is totally false, you can’t tell me that a huge percentage of women are walking around with whatever an aged vagina is. She just shrugged and said, ‘Well,

I don’t know! And i absolutely have no clue how an otherwise seemingly intelligent woman actually bought into that idea. I was gobsmacked when she told me that, like it was just natural fact.

The twin pillars of any solid prepatory school education: sexual assault and baking.

The Rev. Robert Thompson praised Michaella for accepting the arrangement, later writing, “You did a great service for Chudi, because you gave him an opportunity to express his regret and to take responsibility for what he had done.”

Yeah, well, you probably don’t find it entertaining because unlike me, you are a well-adjusted adult with no need for petty drama to quench the thirst that burns in your soul. So yes, LOL really. ;)

“The good news, is you/we don’t have to report this to the police; there was no penetration” And there you have it, the worst sexual assault quote of the week.

I hate, hate, hate the cult of forgiveness that has sprung up over the past decade. There is so much pressure put on victims to forgive the perpetrator. Great, one more thing on the list of shit. People have this ideas that if you don’t forgive the person, you are necessarily eaten up with negativity and hate until

I’m sorry, what? Why in the ever loving hell would she be subject to a no contact order?!

Jesus Christ something something loaves and fishes

Is this where crazy sandwich vagina lady gets her bread from?

Right. Home made carbs for assaulting and thereby causing a woman fear, anxiety and the possible ruination of her sexual attitude for the rest of her life. Seems fair. Jesus Christ.

How is it that schools can get away with deciding their own justice in criminal matters? Can’t the administrators/teacher or principal who made the decisions be held responsible for subverting justice? Genuinely asking, I have no clue if that’s even a thing in circumstances like these.

No matter how you slice it.

Well that’s all my carbs quota for the day.

I’m usually a fan of restorative justice, but this just isn’t cutting it.

Um, it’s awesome that God forgives him.