
Considering their penchant for young girls, I’m sure the oil was extra virgin.

Anyone who laughs at random effects of birth and nature is an idiot. No wonder they are so fraught with insecurity and melancholy. Fuck em.

I’ve always said that olive oil is the most versatile ingredient in your cooking arsenal. Add eluding capture by the FBI to it’s long list of benefits.

Oh, she’s 20, and quite a character! But she refuses to speak Spanish when we go to Latin restaurants because she speaks Cathtillian, and she chooses not to identify as Latina.

I think the burden is on the clinic which probably will have to charge the women for it or bear the cost.

To be fair, she always seems like she is being SUUUUUUPER fucking sarcastic in those Aveeno commercials.

So she’s really pregnant, then?

Aww man. I so wish she said “I don’t want to have fucking kids! So stop with the pregnancy rumors already! Oh yeah that’s why Brad and I broke up too. SHUT THE F UP!”

Yes, I may become a mother some day

[...] . . . placing an ‘x’ in place of the ‘o’ is just hypersensitive nonsense, and undeniably both incorrect and pointless. [...]

I know a lot of Latinos that hate the term Hispanic though too. My sense is that preferential terms are very individual. My husband doesn’t like either term, though if he had to pick, he’d go with Hispanic. He’d much prefer that we refer to people by their country of origin, because it doesn’t make sense to confuse

When fellow Hispanics or Latinos refer to themselves as Spanish I wanna beat them with a broom. Spanish = person from Spain.

I don’t know, I think people in the US think of “Latin America” in pretty generic terms so they don’t really think about who specifically they’re referring to. Which is why John Oliver’s joke worked so well. Everything south of this line is the “same.”

This is what I don’t even understand about this argument — how often are we actually referring to Brazillians or Haitians when we discuss “Latinos” in this country? We’re almost always referring to immigrants from Mexico, Cuba, the “banana republics” in Central America or Puerto Ricans who moved to the mainland. The

Thank you. I speak Spanish natively and guys around here have taken to using -es for mixed gender groups (so latinos, latinas and now latines) AND some others are adding the feminine to words that are typically masculine or rather neutral (the most widespread one is “la cuerpa” instead of “el cuerpo”). I think it’s

I have found more people say “Latin” on the east coast, Hispanic in Texas and the south, and more Latino/a on the west coast. Although, according to Pew, most people would rather be referred to using their country of heritage.

I would say the ‘understandable’ nature of being bothered by ‘Latinos’ in this case is highly questionable.

I want to read this article as a big possible boost for Hillary, but I can’t get too far ahead of myself. I’m the wife of a Hispanic/Latino first gen citizen, and a Spanish-speaking lawyer whose clientele is largely Mexican and Central American. There’s a big tendency to circle the wagons and shoot inward in the

But why add the x when Latin would be enough of a description?

Why not AllRazas, amirite?