I know.
I know.
Thank so much for showing me this because it is beautiful.
No one is saying here that a woman living in a country ruled by Islam has it easy.
Because a victim of rape is happy with just an apology... -_-
“Islam is a religion misogynist, homophobic and anti-modern.”
Sorry but I think “another woman killed by men".
This thing called “murder-suicide” does not ring a bell? It happens every day in USA, I am assuming you live there.
Sorry but I laughed at “headed”.
Asylum inmates..., this comment makes me think that you are too full of yourself but maybe I am wrong and I do not like being called crazy just for having an opinion.
There are honour killings in India nowadays, the majority of the population is Hinduist there but I guess you just hate Muslims.
The way you worded your comment made me feel second handed offended.
I think religion gives men more permission to hate.
In these times there should be already the “mixed race” category.
Trump is going to steal that word.
So you say that you do not decide what art is but you can freely refer to her art as “art”.
Drew and Winona should be together since you don’t want her anymore.
I think I know what is the problem here.
She is the kind of Mexican who hates white Mexicans because some reason whatsoever.