
Finally! A play list for Meeeeeee!!!!

well, ....duh

You Noah it

It is an OG OT story

You’re such a ham.

lets go there wearing our huge Stars of Davids, holding Scientific American jornal, while holding hands,

Why is there a dead baby stegosaur in there? Were they doing dinobortions or something?

It would be a Shem to miss it.

“Christian theme park”

My husband who is military broke my nose and tried to kill me on the 4th of July. I have no money, car, job or anything because that man made sure of that. This is the second time this year I’ve had to stand in front of a judge. I dropped charges the first time because I was so afraid and thinking of doing it again.

Thank you for your good work. When I was an advocate a judge once yelled at me for getting my sobbing client a tissue and touching her on the back.

It’s probably the “sorry I got caught” type of remorse.

Ugh, I remember this story and how furious I was about it. I’m ashamed to say I had forgotten about it. I am very glad to get an update that there were at least some consequences. But they aren’t nearly enough.

Good. I work in DV advocacy. DV is already way under-reported.

Oddly enough, I think if the women at Fox did use their sexual harassment as an ice breaker they would immediately find something in common with their female co-workers.

We are the silent majority.

Well, me and all the other women I know who have been groped in public and for whom there was no public outcry will be sure to remember your really informed opinion on this. Women are being groped and assaulted and raped and beaten every fucking day in this country and I have zero patience for the blame the brown man

Really? Yes. I am an American and I live in THIS country every day and I know what I’m talking about. Beating your wife for disobedience was legal here not that long ago. Domestic violence is extremely common. 1 in 3 women have been victims of it. 1 in 5 have been victims of “extreme” domestic abuse. And in many

I hope this isn’t settled out of court, and I hope there’s a public trial for the suit. (Any lawyers that can weigh in on the possibilities?) She is the most high-profile woman in the most credible position I can think of, ever, to prove sexual harassment in the workplace. Her experience can be an informal case study

Now imagine women who are less powerful going through this all the time. I once had a conversation with female friends in college senior year (late 1980s) about rape. Seven of us sitting around after classes, relaxing before whatever the hell we were doing that night. At one point, someone asked who here has been