
This is the best and most believable conspiracy theory I’ve ever had the honor of reading!

I’m still mourning Better Off Ted.

This always kills me.

You hated her on Better Off Ted? I loved that show and was sad when they cancelled it.

Yes, Audrey Hepburn, who was born in Belgium and raised in England and the Netherlands!

She’s like that old-school classic American beauty... Audrey Hepburn.



Thank you, Shazzy! Seriously, though, I could chop vegetables in my sleep. Once you are used to it, it only takes a few seconds.

Cocaine. Wait, no, molly.

He’s wondering when he can go smoke.

Fat is not the enemy.

He was engaged to Alanis Morisette too, remember that??

She already landed a new role. She’s going to be a “major recurring character” on You’re The Worst (never heard of it), on FXX.

I cook everything from scratch, and don’t much like having to deal with raw meat, so vegetarian it is. Most ‘ethnic’ cuisines have great vegetarian dishes but, again, I am so lazy, so it is mostly yoghurt and berries in the morning, and salads at night. I’m not vegan, and so cheese is a definite yes for salad, as well

I really never understood the appeal of Ashton Kutcher.

Nope, the squad shot is from sunday, the made in the USA shot is from yesterday.

Ryan Reynolds used to be married to Scarlett Johansson. Ryan Reynolds used to be married to Scarlett Johansson.

I agree with the genetic component, but not just the Inuit. Also the Masai, and many other cultures: even European ones. Whenever I travel abroad, I lose a ton of weight, and the food often is quite fat-dominant. It is also the diet given to epileptic children to prevent seizures. Fat really does nourish the brain.