
Yes! Flu=Bad; BBQs=Fun!

I actually like it, which is weird because I’m not a super neat person. But I enjoy arranging things by outfit, by color, by length, by frequency of wearing...

I sat inside and ate pizza and watched Peaky Blinders all day on the 4th of July.

I am recovering from the last dregs of the flu I caught at the end of June (yes, it was verified to be the flu, yes, even though I got a flu shot, and yes, the flu in motherfucking June) so I was still laying low. I went to an impromptu BBQ with friends on Friday, then saw some fireworks with the fam. on Sunday, and

Celebrating 4 of July in winter feels weird. BUT. I always do a second celebration of 4 January, and we pretend it’s July.

Apparently we’re going into a shortage. Nooooo!

You aren’t alone. I haven’t left my place in 48 hours because I refuse to go out when the heat index is 106 unless I absolutely must. All I’ve done is watched movies and take two naps.

You sound like a wonderful, lovely person. The cookies for breakfast, dancing to Bjork, teaching yourself languages—I love all this so much. And I’m so sorry for what your husband put you through. My heart swells at how much you’re doing to care for yourself and your daughters. I hope you have a great rest of the

I’m living overseas. Our american contingent got together on Sunday (3 July) and had pizza. So, winning? Also, it’s winter down here, so. . .

As a workaholic, I use holidays for all the backed up house maintenance/yard chores. {*Sad trombone sound*}

This was the first 4th of July weekend in 8 years that I haven’t hosted a huge multi-day party, and it was very very relaxing, just me and my daughter and her husband knocking around the farm, going for a relaxing paddle, cooking stew, day drinking, petting baby animals. I’m lucky.

I started the day picking up the kid from a sleepover, which I couldn’t get to because of a whole damn town shut down for a 4th of July parade! How do they get to shut down the road to the highway ramp? Then I came home and finished a mooc. Tonight I watched the PBS 4th concert on my mobile so that was exciting. Now,

Trader Joe’s had ZERO ripe avocados. I was quite sad about that.

NO. It’s sucky rain here, all my friends are busy or gone, and I dropped a shit ton of money on closet organizers today- I should have shopped around but was distracted by bright shiny objects. . So yeah, this holiday is basically sucky now.

I did :) And the bright side for you is you have your girls and by leaving your abusive situation, you are showing them that abuse is wrong and they will grow into independent young women who will be able to take up for themselves. I know it is hard (I cannot imagine how hard and I sympathize with you completely) but

Yeah this year has been weird. There’s fireworks and firecrackers going off randomly throughout the neighborhood and the first couple of times I had to stop and remind myself that they are just fireworks and not gunshots :/

Nope. I drove 10 hours home today from seeing my parents.

I’m stuck at my desk so no fun to be had here!

Middle America, who loves her, would hate her

Chile rellenos for iftar. Sometimes I love America so much. 💕