
The kind of “Murica, yeah!” demographic that buys her records WOULD stop buying her records if she were a lesbian. She is not too sexual, has no swear words in her songs, and depends on maintaining a wholesome image so that conservative, family people buy her albums and concert tickets.

Nah I worked that day. But I did get a free ice cream cone!

It’s Ramadan. So I’m fasting and setting off smoke balls during daylight as I wont be able to do fireworks come nighttime bc food>mini monster fountains. ;(

I'm still on house arrest as part of my c-section recovery. No fun here, either. The highlight of my day so far was addressing baby announcements. Later my neighbors will terrify the dog with hours of fireworks.

Nope! I sat around watching movies all weekend. I just made some kickass chili and have wine for later. I can’t decide if the noises I’m hearing outside is fireworks, thunder or gunshots, tbh.

*raises hand sadly* Nope - got ditched right before a party by my “best friends” Currently eating your cookies while watching NCIS marathon and trying to keep my dog from losing her tiny mind at the early fireworks noises. And at the neighbors practicing their trumpet really badly in the backyard.

Avoiding humans is only something I do on days that end in the letter Y.

Ooh, pulled pork and mac’n’cheese. That’s my kind of party! Except no beer. Not a fan. (Weed, on the other hand? Big fan. And it's legal here.)

What do you mean by fun? :)

Nah. I quit drinking, don’t eat meat and hate wearing shorts. This is not my favorite holiday.

I went grocery shopping and have spent the rest of the day gaming and watching social justice documentaries/Archer. So you're not the only one haha

It’s now they 5th of July in my part of the world so *shrug* been there, done that.

I’m waiting on my stupid friends to be free so I’m not doing anything until 9. But I’m watching Captain America, so I’m entertained!

I’ve been drawing and chilling with my cat all day.

I went to TJ’s and got pulled pork, mac and cheese and a single beer. WOOO PARTY!

Yeah it’s pretty ugly here in DC, doesn’t sound as bad as where you are though.

Summer classes = homework over the long weekend, so... PARTY!! Yeah, you’re not alone

Nope. I had to work today. However I’m off now and just finished eating hotdogs and beans with my parents. And now I’m on the internet.

We already did Canada Day. The weather was garbage. It was a nothing of a day. I am not doing anything for the 4th. Obvs. Weather is still garbage or I might consider it to make up for the shit Canada Day.

I did some dishes and attempted to play Wii with our 3 year old. Only semi productive and really frustrating. But I still can't complain about a 3-day weekend.