
What I got out of this is that the guy has organized other auctions. Are these women being looked for? Are they safe?

Just wait. Stephen Miller is going to cite this case as incontrovertible evidence that the pro-choice movement is actually a front for human traffickers and that motherhood is the key to avoiding being kidnapped.

Other reports suggest this wasn’t just a (wannabe) model who got lured to Italy, but that she’s an established model who got sent out there by her modelling agency... I can’t wait to find out how they got fooled into sending her out to this non-existing modelling job...

Take a look at over 200 years of American history and what happened to Native Americans, blacks, Asians, Latinos and others as they attempted to take part in the “American Dream”.

They “identify” as white because they’re CAUCASIAN! Jesus, stop banging your dead-wrong drum.

Oh dude, there is such a big difference between his mother approving the publication of a picture of him in his coffin and the artist deciding to make this painting.

The painting wasn’t “endorsed” by Emmett Till’s mother. She’s dead.

I stand by you. This feminist/white SJW outrage at legitimate protest is no different than when conservatives claim Coulter and Milo are being “censored” and “banned.”

Serbs are “white” in America. That person is reaching.

No, stupid people need to be called out on their bullshit at any opportunity. Sometimes those stupid people are white, sometimes those stupid people are black, sometimes they’re Asian or Native American.

Of course, of the three artists named in the headline, one of them is a white American, one is a Serb, and one is black.

that’s the distinction I would make as well. It was tone-deaf, but not outright malicious. Take the painting down, she won’t profit from it, and let her show continue. If the error in judgment was recognized, what more can we want that doesn’t lead to censorship or outright maliciousness on our part?

I generally empathized with the protest over the Emmett Till piece at the Whitney, and I thought Schutz’s response was weak as hell and full of privilege and entitlement.

The thing that pisses me off the most is Emmett Till’s momma showed the brutality done to her baby to show the truth. This “artist” used lynch porn to show how big a SJW she is and got mad we didn’t give her a gold star and a kiss on the nose for caring. People act like a painting somehow makes it more respectable and

people wanting Schultz’s art banned.

Nah. That’s BS. You’re trying to bang the drum of clickbait.

78 Famed Artists Including Kara Walker, Cindy Sherman, and Marina Abramovic Condemn the Dana Schutz Protest

After I posted this, a bunch of memories came back to me, and I realize his transphobia was the least fucked up thing about him.

I think Janet Mock scares the shit out of them because she is so undeniably beautiful, and such a fearless trans woman.