
Sincere thanks on using this phrase properly. So few seem to: I perpetually see it used on the internets to mean “a large volume of tears,” rather than its actual (folklore-based) meaning.

How many of these memes can we get here?

Adult bullies. Those tears don’t earn sympathy, they just remind us that shutting them down is right. They need to be caught/exposed/broken. Maybe it will change them. If not they can boohoo again

“On Thursday, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos will meet with men’s rights activists”

It depends on how much you want to adopt culture, even if it doesn’t affect the plot, but you said yourself; he’s just Asian, then you’re good. You’re taking quite an uncommon path and I wish you well in your world and character building endeavors.

As an asian male born in North America, I say go ahead and write your story with the asian lead. If his race has no real bearing on the plot, then it’s fine. People need to stop being so offended at every little thing. You already said you’re not going into stereotypes, etc. Hell, just base the character on me. I’m a

That’s like me wanting to write a story about a female lead or Bendis creating Miles Morales. You can do it. There isn’t a problem with creating a character different than you. That’s the whole point of creating characters is so that they are different than us.

Can you do it? Yes. Can you do it well? Chances are if you’re already asking the question then you’re more likely too.

Would the Asian character be an American? Because for all of our differences being born and living in America there we are more a like than different in many ways. If you are writing a smart, interesting well rounded character then you are getting off to a good start.

It’s really unsurprising yet infuriating how 53% of white women voted for this.

It’s really sad how 53% of white women voted for this.

“Rather, the accusations—90 percent of them—fall into the category of ‘we were both drunk,’ ‘we broke up, and six months later I found myself under a Title IX investigation because she just decided that our last sleeping together was not quite right.”

It is going to get much much worse before it gets better. Everyone. has. to. fucking. vote. OK State Senate just flipped two Republican seats, it can happen.

“Visual Artist” is a code-word for “former class-clown who can’t get work as a clown.” Believe me, I repped a few before I realized they just want to be Eminem. Moreso for white “slam poets.”

The current mayor is going to be at the end of his term limit. Since there’s no incumbent, I wonder how many people will end up running. Will it be a ton of candidates like last year in Baltimore?

New Orleans is full of phenomenal musicians, so I’m baffled he didn’t get help to elevate the vid. But, hey, it played outside of local press, so mission accomplished, I guess.

I thought New Orleans already had a fairly decent mayor, the guy who gave the great speech explaining why he was taking down the Confederate monuments. This rap video is not really on the same plane.

But even so, a friend convinced him a rap video would be the best way to get the word out about CeaseFire.