Yuri Agostini


Jess’ theme was and still is one of my favorites. The other being Orange Star’s theme.

Don’t play games with my heart. Are they really porting a Tales game to the Switch? I’d really love to see a Tales of Phantasia remastered or definitive edition on the Switch, which would make sense since it was already on the Super Nintendo.

It’s not okay for either to cheat, but it seems like people give men far more shit for cheating than they do women. Or maybe women give men shit and men give women shit for cheating... I don’t know. Forgive my ramblings, it’s just that there’s so much anger and judgement going around over a relationship that has

Indeed... I'll try to complain less.

I'm 25 here. Never had a girlfriend, a kiss or anything. At this point I feel like I am walking woman repellent. I don't even bother anymore. I definitely understand what you are saying.

Im an awkward guy nerd and to save myself and women the trouble, I assume number 2 for every woman I encounter. She does not want to be bothered and I proceed to not bother her. I just keep it civil and move on.

What article was this? Can you post a link please?

I play Battlefield 4 and Titanfall on the Xbox One. I have yet to encounter any bigotry. I'm not saying it doesn't exist on the new consoles; maybe I'm just lucky. But the reputation system seems to work as it should. I've met annoying people but no bigots. I'm glad someone is doing something about idiocy in online

Unless you used a shirt or cloth to block the moisture from getting in. It worked for me.

I think the reason they reacted so fast to that murder threat was because it was made soon after the shooting in newtown connecticut. i'm not exactly sure how much time had passed but his comment was made too soon and in poor taste; which is probably why some people sympathized. But if i'm not mistaken, someone else