More like 9021Botox, amirite.
More like 9021Botox, amirite.
Don’t you miss it?
To me, honestly, the worst thing about Trump’s rebuttal was something small and seemingly innocuous.
This is a charmingly different take on Obama’s statement than Splinter’s, “ Thanks for bothering to show for 10 seconds! Hashtag sarcasm! Too little, too late!"
I used to hate George. And then I realized he is the worst in all of us, the asshole in all of us. He is us. George is the best character.
JLD is a god damned national treasure.
Yep, and Spielberg still bristled at it. I mean, I guess until I direct Jaws I can just shut the fuck up, but he’s an old man yelling at clouds there.
Remember I Love The 80s on VH-1?
This shuck n jive sleepy-eyed motherfucker. Where does he think he will go when this is over? I’ve never seen a man more willing to burn everything over nothing. He’s not even a part of the great Trump grift. He couldn’t even get himself a basic ass dinette set without getting his ass nailed to a wall but he keeps…
You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.
Dude, you can say you like how McGillis looks without having to shit on someone else. Reese looks just fine. They both look fine.
Season 1 Fleabag is good but season 2 is going to blow you away. Enjoy!
Oh this breaks my heart, because I just STARTED Fleabag. Such a wonderful show
Mad Men. I didn’t think they would but damn they stuck the landing. The scene with Don hugging the crying gentleman during the group confessional is so fucking powerful and right. I’d also add Peggy and Stan made me super happy to boot.
I honestly haven’t read too much into it, but Trump defending anyone makes me suspicious. Far be it from me to second guess “soon-to-be-lawyer” Kim Kardashian.
the BEST part is that Trump, fellow Moron Kanye and fellow Moroness Kim, MADE THIS WORSE. The swedes (and rest of the world) have ZERO respect for them, and will take every chance they can to bury them. who knows if ASAP is guilty?, but he should be concerned...
You are not alone. I adore Ladyhawke.
A Ford Prefect on a different wavelength than everyone else is a successful Ford Prefect.
Amabella is going to be the most effed-up woman ever.
That would be wise, but I’m more going with the quality of this season’s writing ideas.