Special Circumstances

A show that went from a story about alien contact to space werewolf vampire whatevers, though I’m not sure it’s a case of running out of ideas so much as simply not knowing what to do with it.

For. Real. The very best episode of Voyager is from season 7, and it doesn’t get nearly enough love. It’s generically called “the Void” and it’s about Janeway’s insistence that Federation principles are the only way out of a tight jam despite the fact that Chakotay AND Tuvok don't agree. It perfectly encapsulates the

I need more Gina Torres kicking ass!

How much longer until SNL’s live-action Bambi parody with The Rock becomes a reality?

Call me when they put Babylon 5 back on.

Isn’t a VR Last Starfighter, well... this?

Hahaha, now that would be great. Her character says “fuck” any chance she gets. Please, please, I hope they keep that in for her character.

“Earth and Mars are waving cocks at each other. Like war’s coming.” Or something like that. Epic, each and every line should be in the show.

When asked why they had so many windmills, Denmark looked over at Holland with a phantom of menace.

Player of Games is probably in my top 3 favorite Culture novels. I highly recommend it!

Yup, that’s my take on Paul as well.

Bullet proof vest?

*sigh* This article makes me miss the late Ian Banks.

Here’s my brilliant explanation of the stupid affair. Marty’s wife wants to be a member of the ruling, moneyed, satanic class, and seduces Rust which breaks up the investigation. When we see her again, she’s obviously remarried a very wealthy man - her reward for this service to (for?) the cabal....

The character plot twist at the end of this episode was far more heartbreaking than the one at the end of Game of Thrones.

There is something truly evil about book banning. It’s selfish, controlling and obscene as far as I’m concerned. It’s the battlefield of small minded pearl clutchers who should be soundly ignored instead of catered to. If you don’t like a book? Don’t read it. Don’t you dare try and remove it from others to read.

Opened up and the first thing that I thought was Neural Net from the culture...

I love the Bonaventure. One of my favorite hotels I have ever stayed in. Sure a bunch of cylinders may be a bit tacky, but compared to the rest of the eyesore that is known as downtown LA, it is downright beautiful.

You just described Seattle perfectly.