Special Circumstances


“Would you believe that was already up there when we came in?”

Let Blaine Die.

Series plox.

My immediate thought was - 'Muad'Dib'.

My favorite is Fast 5.

Tokyo Drift is actually my favourite.... but that’s down to my liking Lucas Black so very well. ^_^

Yannick have you seen Furious 7 yet? The end was absolutely perfect. My wife was bawling like a kid... even after we got home. Not gonna lie, I teared up as well. Sure everything up to the end was wildly entertaining, but that ending... my body was ready, but my feels were not. :’(

I cried at the end of 7 today, the last scene did me in.

How come there are seven Fast and Furious movies and still only three for Star Wars?

All of my sadness. I don't know that it 'suddenly' got interesting, but it suddenly got meatier peachier- the narrative was getting tighter and the mysteries were starting to form a cohesive serialization.


One more reason why Iain M. Banks was a true visionary with his Culture novels' post-scarcity utopia — we should just leave it all to the Minds.

tl; dr: you didn't like Hyperion.

Something went wrong right about here.

So what you do at No More is you take the money from a corporation and use that money to brand stuff.

Hoooly hell,that's awesome. Leave politicians and sports figures be worshipped on Earth. In space,you honor the dreamers.

Best Iain M. Banks tribute ever. Elon Musk tweeted that he's naming two SpaceX droneships after Culture ships in Banks' The Player of Games. One drone ship will be called Just Read The Instructions, and the other will be Of Course I Still Love You. [via]

Fun fact, vaccine coverage in Latin America is comparable (if not higher) than the US (especially when compared to GranolaLand, USA).