Special Circumstances

jesus is that sarah chalke second from right? she looks like one of those evangelical soccer mom ghouls, smiling with the dead eyes

I’m not in the marketing team, but having that much T.J Miller in the trailer right now... Well it would not have been my first choice...

Sacrilege incoming: I’m more excited for this than I am for Avengers.

Ah, the aroma of Tacoma.

Pictured the crew on the bridge of the Vitaspirit:

Lando System: A Star Wars Story

That picture up there reminded of this one...


For what it’s worth, most of us who loved Galaxy Quest otherwise have no use for Tim Allen. And it’s not despite him, he’s part and parcel of why the movie works so well, not least due to his patent unlikeability.

Blade Runner: Jared Leto’s Part Was Written For David Bowie, Try to Imagine How Much Cooler That Would Have Been

I love Blade Runner, it’s in my top 3, and I LOVED 2049. Denis Villeneuve and company absolutely nailed this one, and I am eternally grateful to him for not sullying the Blade Runner legacy.

Not if you numb it and then masturbated with it.

It’s a joke, folks. None of these people genuinely want to fuck the demon clown. Personally, I only ship Pennywise with the other gay icon:

He has people skills! He’s good at dealing with people! Can’t you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?!

“It’s okay everyone! Our black writer friends said it was fine!”

Keep in mind this is a Lussier review. If he doesn’t like something there’s a good chance it’s quite good (and vice versa).

I liked the visuals. Just turn off the sound when you watch it and it becomes more enjoyable.

I hope we get a movie as good as 5th element and not as bad as Jupiter Ascending.

Play was suspended for the rest of the day due to a making it rain delay