
I was sure Gilead’s operatives would kidnap Luke when he was listening to June’s tape, which begs the question of whether Gilead even has a spy network in Canada. I assume some former CIA people are left in Gilead, and building a spy network would be beneficial to Gilead’s fight against the resistance. It would be

The Handmaid's Tale drinking game should consist of: take a shot every time June gets a closeup. 

How many more times this season will Moira interrupt whatever is going on to show a TV broadcast that she knows about, even though she wasn’t originally watching TV or even in the house, but somehow just started so we see the whole thing. 

YES! Emily’s plot this season is so, so good, and Alexis Bledel is doing incredible, unbelievably moving work with the material. Meanwhile, Elizabeth Moss is being forced to play every moment to the cheap seats (cue ironic rock song!).

I wouldn’t say weakest, S2 had more clunkers - more spaghetti thrown at the wall (Haxon Paxon & the Bank Heist). S4 was all over the place but felt smoothed out in tone - it felt evenly redistributed within the female cast.

The actress who plays Lt. Nilssen, Airiam’s replacement on the bridge, also played Airiam in the first season. So that's weird.

I’ve been a huge booster of this show. I’ve maintained that the first season was the strongest start for any Trek since TOS and I’m still convinced I’m right. I’ve said that everything about the aesthetics and cast is perfect and wonderful and makes this look and feel like the best Trek has ever been and I still

Michael starting to break down during the funeral of a crew mate that until a couple of episodes ago was a heavily made-up extra made me roll my eyes so hard I nearly sprained them.

I preferred how TOS dealt with people dying. These people are in space, people die all the time. They’re used to it. Like, this show made a bigger deal of this funeral than Star Trek 2 made of Spock’s funeral. I guess maybe that’s because people care about Spock and don’t need to be told they should care by other

I actually like it better than Blues for the Red Sun, which is tantamount to blasphemy in Kyuss fandom — or used to be, anyway. And it’s probably no coincidence that my two favorite tracks (“Whitewater” and “Gardenia”) were both written by Brant Bjork rather than Homme, who I do enjoy but is kind of the Paul McCartney

Season 2 will be the real test for this show. Not only is it when Matt Groening shows typically find their groove, but they set up so much for it here that they can really make the most of the serialized format. A lot of this season, the show felt like it didn’t know what it wanted to be. Futurama was about a package

Before Disenchantment can answer (or, more accurately, avoid) that question,”

Not sure what to think about the series. I liked it over all, and probably better than most it seems, but the last few episodes felt like they would’ve worked better if they had interspersed the long-running plots a bit better. I like that this may indicate the show reaching its true potential, but it felt like a

I’m sure that it’s going to play out in the next season with whoever found his body and will possibly resurrect him. If were a non-issue, they would have paid it off with his talk with his father. Instead, they kept the mystery. 

I think this series was saved by the voice talent and the gags. Some of the episodes were just ‘meh’, but I do think that it ended right as I was taking a shine to it. I’m not so sure about how I feel with each of the three main cast having some sort of mysterious origin.

I’m less critical of BSG as I thought it was pretty good for the most part until the Starbuck stuff near the end and the final episode.

Some people didn’t even know that was Donald. He needs some kind of recognition for that creepy nightmare inducing performance. Hopefully Darius doesn’t regret this so he doesn’t have to die.

Andy Richter and Joel McHale have other gigs and are managing to be in this.  It’s only ten episodes and other than the main four characters, I bet nobody else has had more than 1/2 hour of screen time total in each season.  Plus they have no set in stone release date.

My guess is that SCD films quickly in the off season, so that she has time for a regular acting gig. This seems like the kind of show where more time is spent writing great scripts and then hiring actors who can pull them off in minimal takes.

I’ll admit to being a tad disappointed Paul and Marsha didn’t show up one last time.