
“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

Y’all were worried about Trump tweeting out the nuclear launch codes? Well guess what motherfuckers!

the games should move to a permanent venue. the waste they generate is absurd.

You don’t need to because Big Baller Brand isn’t for women.

No more so than Muslims enjoying being bombed by western militaries? Stop lumping criminals and Muslims into the same pool. Most crimes are still committed by white “Christians.”

i hear the grudge originates with a friendly at-work back-and-forth that got outta hand and ended in a dropped mike.

Mike, obviously.

Had to log in to star that.. made me laugh..

I have the weirdest boner right now.

I agree 100%. Just substitute “unattended bicycles” for “citrus” and I’m exactly the same way.

Today definitely ebbed

Poor technique. Everybody knows you pull out first, then start to come...

I think the last thing Teddy Ruxpin needs is more knowledge and power.

If ESPN keeps losing people at this rate I might start watching again!

Reminds me of something kind of related—you know you can ring yourself out using their Apple store app, right? It’s a bit awkward to pick something up, hold it up to your phone, pocket it and walk out without ever talking to anyone. Feels like someone is going to accuse you of stealing. I’ve done it a few times and

Could be. Maybe I got that backwards. Let’s try it again