
Math hurts my head.

Could be. Maybe I got that backwards. Let’s try it again

“.. unless Trump offers me 1/3rd of what I’m owed”

Unless Donald grabs my Pussy.

Again proves that he is a sexist pig trying to intimidate her. Sit the fuck down at let the Boss speak!

Haha yea that’s true eating behind the popcorn helps hide the embarrassment we feel watching Trump.

Yea have 4 people with me watching and we were all like did a fly land on her face? Loving her response and attitude. So far.

You see Trump denying he even said this shit!? Does he think that is gonna fly?


Lol sorry. A couple people seemed to take what I said the wrong way.. I got a little jumpy because I don’t want anyone to think I’m minimizing any of his actions or words through this election or his life

I agree with you 100%. I have said numerous times all over Kinja that Trump is disgusting. His actions his words are horrifying. What he has said about women is degrading and without a doubt disturbing. A lot of people are giving me shit for saying the word amusing and kind of generalizing everything else I said which

**I’m just gonna delete this comment. Over reaction**

I’m very aware of who Trump has attacked and what he has been saying especially in regards to all of those people.

Looking beyond his madness nothing surprises me anymore. Obviously nothing he has said is amusing like:grabbing a P. What’s amusing to me his his antics to Overshadow the crap he has said and done. The fact that he thinks these stunts will actually work.

Crazy thing I don’t think this was put together in the past couple days. This was in the works since the last debate probably.

I agree and I didn’t mean to minimize that. At this point everything he does just Is a joke. It’s just unbelievable. I’ve said numerous times what he has said and done is disgusting. I just can’t with him anymore.

I thought Homer was gonna sit down and start eating the popcorn. Not disappear into it!! Perfection.

You have to admit it is somewhat amusing?? I mean we can only laugh at this point, right?

Right!? Proves he’s desperate when he’s *attacking someone who isn’t even running for president.

This right here is proof Trump is sinking. What a cheap desperation move. And does anyone think he managed to get these women together in one day? He has had this in the works since the last debate. Proves he shouldn’t be the President of the United States.