

I would have never thought Rosie Odonalds would be brought up in a presidential debate either.. trump keeps surprising us all.

Why not. Everything he does wrong seems to make the hillbillies love him more.

Ewwww on so many levels. That comment literally put an image in my head of Trump grabbing a pussy.

Yep, the Grand Old Party is in wayyyyy to deep.

Wow. Can’t believe that’s Trumps statement: Bill Clinton did it too. He said worse. And what I said was a decade ago. And this is just an attempt to distract from the real issues.


I don’t know why this doesn’t have a bazillion stars! Made me laugh..

For whatever issues people have with cops it doesn’t take away from the fact that these Men and Women go out on a daily basis having NO idea what they will encounter. In a heartbeat they can be in a life or death situation. We -all citizens- expect cops to come rushing to our homes if we are being robbed or anything

I don’t know everyone funks up at least once. When I was 16- first got my license- driving a swerving road while it was raining I nearly flipped my car. The car was also a Ford <Tempo>. So things happ... oh. Wait. Ok. He looks to be in his 40's with at least 20 years of driving experience.. well then I’m going to

This sounds awfully familiar. That’s it.. is your grandfather Tom Selleck?

It’s ok I have a stash of vids/pics of horses fucking humans.. same thing, right?

I had to go through the effort of signing in just to star this.. Onyl a few comments have made me bust out laughing and this is now one of them.. thank you

Oops commented on wrong comment

Can’t beat my 1996 4 Door Acura Integra Special Edition with only 110k miles.. the car was passed down to my boyfriend and myself from his mom who bought the car new in 96. This is the first time we didn’t have a car payment and I LOVE IT. Scares the sh¡t out of me driving the car more than 15 miles at a time. Makes

Wait.. I didn't know Carlos Beltran was bald?!

Can You Please Remove this video of me?! If you don't I'm calling Hulks people!

I'll help you out here. I'm a Cowboys fan.. but at least I grew up in the DFW area.

Come on!! Not all Trump supporters are drunken fools. Inbreeded @Holes. Some are very educated smart folk with...:. ah I can’t even. Just can’t. I’m stopping myself.

Hey now.. I read Jalopnik! But I don't know if I should be admitting that based on your comment..