Chloe Winters

Is Justin really supposed to be responsible for how people react to a rehearsed and pre-planned performance act? I don’t believe so. This event would have been a much less controversial without the reaction of the puritanical that roam among us.

“even though he totally died in the first one.”

I’m astounded by how many people completely dismiss all of this. And you’ll never find a Jezebel devotee who will actually give you a well thought out response, as evidenced by the genius whose takeaway from what you supplied was simply the polygraph test.

I don’t for one minute believe that young Dylan (and Satchel Ronan for that matter) don’t believe the story they tell. Unfortunately it is just that - a story. Told to them so repeatedly (by a vindictive and duplicitous woman who proved that hell really does have no fury like a woman scorned) they now believe it as an

Humbly and respectfully, this headline is the wrong take.

Anyone is free to believe any of that garbage, out themselves as morons, and pay the consequences for it. They don’t need to get their opinions approved by Serena Williams — who espouses some pretty stupid ideology herself— on behalf of society.

“He Didn’t Know”

I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so obsessed with identity politics.

First time I’ve seen a Deadspin article title quote Gisele Bundchen’s how-to modeling book.

You’re on the same internet I am; look yourself.

Wasn’t the timing of Damon’s comments right around when Al Franken was pressured to resign by his own party (not arguing merits here) while the opposing party was doubling down on support (or at least public indifference) of an accused (with lots of evidence) child molester running for Senate? I believe the logic that

“Famous person’s x can’t save a y SNL” - here’s an endlessly reusable template for reviewing this show.

This statement, and the many, many others like it, are why THIS MOVEMENT has no male allies. Everyone seems to be tired of the witch hunt metaphor, and that’s fine. Wild, drunken, drive-by shooting seems more apt, as nobody really seems particularly concerned with the details of each case; you’re just giddy for the

My understanding is that William’s initial contract contained an agreement to do reshoots for essentially free while Wahlberg’s didn’t. Nor do I imagine her contract containing the same “veto” over recasting that Mark’s did.

So, we complain about the trend of movies bowing to audience expectations, and then we slam movies for not being as woke (or the wrong kind of woke) as we expect them to be?

I think it is more that Michelle Williams needs a new agent, ASAP.

Just going to say that I disagree with pretty much everything said in this review. But hey, that’s what subjectivity is all about, right? To each their own ...

I’ll stick up for him. One disgruntled actress over performing nude (could have turned it down)... and a self-admitted twitter mistake =/= sexual predator.

You’re doing more damage by making a joke out of this for clicks.