Chloe Winters

Fine. Colin Kaepernick, liberal cause du jour. Came within five yards of winning the Super Bowl in 2013, came up short. Stood in front of reporters afterward and answered questions about it. Didn’t sulk and didn’t run off in the middle. Better example?

I agree that you shouldn’t judge Girardi based on a small sample size. That’s why I’m choosing to judge him for his mismanagement of the bullpen all year. The Yankees could have won the division—and lined up their rotation for the playoffs in the process—were it not for the number of games he entrusted to Tyler

A situation that pretty much every quarterback in memory was able to handle better, though. I’ll cite Russell Wilson the year before so I don’t get charged with “dog-whistling.”

Okay. My mistake.

When will the NFL stop its tone-deaf trend of inviting currently popular singers to perform instead of singers no one has thought about in a decade?

I’m pretty sure he has stated that publicly. I’m also pretty sure that’s mentioned in this exact article.

Peak Jezebel: Genuinely believing that in 2017 most people will be watching the halftime show for a potential Janet Jackson appearance.

Probably that the world isn’t made up of Jezebel commenters, that he’s a huge star, that “appropriates black culture” isn’t something most people really care about either way, and that her popularity has faded considerably.

AVClub is a Kinja site now. Every comment is, by rule, now about racism.

I get what you’re going for, but what’s the logic there? That he was embarrassed because a black woman accused him of being attracted to her, so he bothered to deny this but not Angelina Jolie or Gwyneth Paltrow? Seems like a reach.

Wow...not every sexual predator can see past race. Good for Harvey for staying open-minded.

Sorry, but no one who blogs nights at should ever feel “superior” to anyone or anything.