
Had a T-Mobile Dash. This was back before every little kid and their mother had a smartphone and I was just getting into highschool with one. Needless to say I felt pretty badass at the time even through Windows Mobile drove me crazy after a few months.

I'm 21 and I'm in the same boat. Only, I happened to find a working rotary phone once and it now sits in my room.

This needs promoting.

I like having control over my music. have Pandora to introduce me to things related t what I like and then I go download all the things I like. It's to the point where I can't find a new ska song on Pandora because I've downloaded everything they play. Then again, I'm a compulsive music hoarder and I like having

It's good to see I'm not the only one on here who thought "no, it's called 'skankING'"

That's a teardrop trailer. They were popular during the depression. You wouldn't believe how many people love these things. I've built quite a few these past couple of years and they sell very well. In fact, I have mine sitting in my garage now. For two people they're very comfortable.

Grado makes some great looking cans in both aluminum and even wood with some models in the same $300 price range as the beats.

I really enjoyed the movie. I'll agree it wasn't perfect but inner film critic aside, it was great.

Let's be honest here, it already plays baseball better than me.

Let me tell you, it must be all of Florida. I'm in Miami and I'm sure we could sit around for hours swapping stories of stupid people. I'm sorta hoping the state sinks soon.

So nobody has brought up Big O yet? that second watch looks like the one Roger Smith has.

I get a deep sense of shame when I realize some people still confuse faith in something with overly-zealous wackjobs.

Dammit, I went like 2 weeks ago. This was still under construction. I love that ride. I hated when they changed Pirates but this looks good.

nothing to see here folkes...keep movin'...

Tell me about it. It's sad when I have to actually consider whether or not I really want to go somewhere just because I don't want to have to drive. Not out of laziness but because I don't want to deal with all the other idiots out there.

From Miami, born and raised. I am proud to say I'm insane. No need to be ashamed of it. Yell it from the mountain tops!

But you don't jump face forward into a bed with your hat facing forward. That just seems possibly painful. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

I remember being in 8th grade going to see some random local band named HelloGoodbye at Kaffe Krystal here in Miami. Never dreamed I'd be seeing them again in the future on a gadget blog (crossposted to Gizmodo).