@Canon7D-Fanboy: Thank you.
@Canon7D-Fanboy: Thank you.
I'm not saddened by it one bit but I'm surprised there's no Xzibit picture posted yet. I expect to see one in the replies pronto.
@SweetlyTipsy: To be fair though, I see his point. I went to their show when they came down here to Miami in November and I was surrounded by hipsters. I felt like it was practice for the Zombie Apocalypse. The sad part is that I proved about 4 stereotypes that night. I felt accomplished.
@rock99rock: There ya go, that oughta do the trick.
I resent this article solely because of the Vampire Weekend reference. I love Vampire Weekend. Curse this wretched place.
My cousin once did that. Of course, he was about 2...not 19. Still, I feel bad for them. I have almost lost my home to a house fire before and I know how scary it is.
It's pretty nice. I drive by it sometimes it on the way to the beach. Sadly, ill probably never be able to afford any of the cars on the first floor. whatever.
@siwex80: Yeah, plus, Android is open source. Google isn't held responsible for what goes into the store. The app developer is so Google doesn't really care, they're protected. It's all about the legalities.
@DH: The way I've always seen it is Apple just covering their ass. It's just smart. Little Timmy has an iPhone. Timmy decides to download some naughty apps to get his kick. mommy finds Timmys phone and goes through it and has a heart attack. Now Apple is facing a lawsuit. Even though they'll have that "click to make…
@RtFusion: Thank's a ton. I'm usually pretty good with physics. I guess since I know it would take a lot of force to not be pulled into a black hole I just associated that with speed which isn't necessarily true. Still, I love researching things and this may just be my next binge.
@RtFusion: If I'm not mistaken, you need to be orbiting the black hole at near the speed of light to travel into the future. But hey, I'd be glad to be proven wrong especially with a proper explanation to go with it.
@Garybaldy: Zombie Nazis
@sydcinema: Because I live here, that's why. Now don't jinx it!
@Y2KGTP: Really.
@Kardster: If this is a big deal, why not make it your own show to single out what you have to offer rather than show it off in a sea of other stuff?
@rathat: I'm 20 and I have about 60% of those things in my house.
@Phaota: My favorite record to date is still Take Off Your Pants and Jacket by Blink-182 which has 3 stripes of red yellow and green. Digital just isn't as beautiful.
@i ♥ Tofu: Who says they're disappearing? Ever since I got serious about music a few years back, I began buying only records. I get all my music lossless from the internet for on-the-go but my record collection is constantly growing with new things. It just sucks that more people don't get the joy of throwing a record…
...so I bet on the feds because the black hat men never win in the end.
Why be made by two Dutch designers when it could be made by one good one?