@MikeMcKenzy: Dude, that isn't even opinion. It's fact. Now, I haven't seen the show in ages (being in my early 20's now) but when Steve left to go to "college" I was very disheartened.
@MikeMcKenzy: Dude, that isn't even opinion. It's fact. Now, I haven't seen the show in ages (being in my early 20's now) but when Steve left to go to "college" I was very disheartened.
@Audi5000: If you focus it and face it downward you can light it without seeing any bright light and you won't burn yourself either. I do it all the time.
@ted.pro: I think they are illegal due to lack of safety features. Commercial lasers like those from Wicked Lasers have a 5 (don't quote me on the exact number) step process to turning the laser on. Some even come with a physical key. Mine simply has a button. So any idiot could blind themselves without even trying.…
@rhoa23: They aren't too hard and a lot of people sell kits to make it even easier. Do a bit of research and I'm sure you'll be able to get it done. And, as always, be sure to use eye protection and stay safe.
@geck0_k: I still have a Highlander from '57. I really wish they still made film for it. It's a beautiful Camera.
Screw Wicked Lasers. My friend has their Spyder III and is sucks compared to the one I built myself.
@StupidSimple: I've getten into the habbit of grabbing the outside of the car before even getting out. try it sometime. It stops the shock.
Will there be conjugal visits?
@MarcusMaximus: Your mom called, she wants her...umm...
@rathat: I have a 405. It's 150 mW and shoved inside a phaser. Totally gets all the girls.
@minibeardeath: Hmm...I guess thats the fancy terminology for why they bore me. :(
@minibeardeath: This is true with high powered blue ones as well. Can't speak personally for red though. They bore me.
@rathat: I love building lasers. And every time I show them to anyone they all want to buy them from me and I refuse. I can't have stupid people running around with a freaking powerful laser without knowing what they're doing. I don't want to be responsible for a plane going down or anyone going blind.
@AlTillyTheBum: All these puns are really getting boaring.
Alright, I understand how you could see the steam engine and the internet remaining a fad but come on, spiral cut ham was simply revolutionary! And tasty to boot!
@smurfydog: Damn, that's a pretty good idea. When I did it I just didn't care. My mentatlity was "this is how things were for a long time, should still work now." I've even gone camping and gotten out of the city alltogether and that's even better. I keep the phone in the car in case I'm dying or something but other…
Every now and then I tell my friends I'll be off the grid for a while and I just throw my phone in a drawer after turning it off. It's amazing how good I feel for those few days. Sadly, it all balances out when I go to get my phone after 3 days of it being off and there is only one missed call from my mother. So I…
@OMG! Ponies!: Then I guess "I'll Cry Instead"
I really like these. I go camping quite a bit and it gets really dark in the everglades so no problem with it fading. I'd like to see a few more of these to come out before buying one. I like me some options.
@SallySalyu: All I could think was "welcome to the internet. Hope you enjoy the neighborhood!" I firmly believe kids don't belong here. Especially when they feed the trolls.