
I just got diabetes from that picture.

@verziehenone: Yeah, I looked for it last year and found it online. It was too late to order by halloween though and all the homemade versions sucked. This year should be better though. And thanks, it took a while to put together.

@grangerfx: When I saw this I thought "No, it couldn't be..." and then it was.

I love my costume.

@maven2k: No worries, I thought the same thing.

I'm in college now and there is only one teacher I ever wanted to friend. A middle school math teacher who I remained good friends with even to this day. I'm still not friends with him. He even helped me get a scholarship and at most, we keep it to messaging each other. It's a bit more professional that way and keeps

@M3tALHaz3: The Used - Buried Myself Alive

@rake_my_day: On the contrary my friend. There is a God and he misses us dearly. We're living to long now and he needed to level the playing field.

@ignacio reyes: I remember the day the KFC DoubleDown came out. I went to buy one that afternoon...needless to say, I sent those pictures to everyone...

I bought myself an iPod Classic about 2 weeks ago. Still no regrets. I can't fit everything into a Touch and I don't want to have to pick and choose. It was the right choice for me. It's a shame it hasn't been revamped in ages but it's all good. For all my apps though, I may hold off until the next iPad is released

@PresidentKennedy: no way man, that was my last giz check before the show started. And now there's an intermission. So if you'll excuse me, I have to rock with my balls out.

I'm actually standing at a vampire weekend concert right now. And guess what, there will be photos. guys are no longer on Apple's shit list?

I want one. Bad. My nerd cred would be off the charts at that point.

@stalking_goat: Trust me, Mormons nave PLENTY of guns. Of course, I'm speaking for myself here. Though, I, for one, can't wait for the zombies.

@lpranal: They you, my friend, were a victim of inception. The movie and the ideas within the movie caused you to alter your state of mind. That's pretty win in this case. Enjoy your dreams.