@noamjamski: Finally. I thought I was the only one here who likes having ALL their music on them at all times. I have a huge library and I never know what I'll be listening to that day. If the iPod gets canned I'll be very disappointed.
@noamjamski: Finally. I thought I was the only one here who likes having ALL their music on them at all times. I have a huge library and I never know what I'll be listening to that day. If the iPod gets canned I'll be very disappointed.
@FriedPeeps: Best. Idea. Ever. Heart click for you for sheer brilliance. Even if it is only a pipe dream.
I have no problem with this article as long as the new touch comes in larger capacities. I sold my iPhone and went Android so I'm in the market for an iPod but I can already fill the 64Gb model the day I buy it. I am really hoping for something with more space. Even if it's a little bigger. I don't need anorexic, i…
@Stem_Sell: I clearly think we have a winner. Case closed.
@R.b.3: If you get enough people, you can all ghost ride the mini van. Which would make it infinitely cooler.
So this is what happens after the Olympics?
@Shamoononon: I feel better now. Now to just let my hair grow wildly...
@dislexicmofo: It's okay, upon reading this again I barely remember posting this.
Wait...I have ADHD (the real kind, not the excuse for spacing out kind). Am I to understand That I will amount to nothi...
This was a pARGHticularly good article.
We, 94362, feel that Ayn Rand was a very good author but we do not feel her morals could change the world.
Children, living out their parents childhood dreams one halloween at a time.
@minibeardeath: I am well aware of the actual benefits of such a device, my comment was only intended as a joke. I think it would be amazing if this could someday soon revolutionize optical communication. That would be great. And hey, what's so wrong about living in a cave? Batman had one! They can't be all bad.
@Necroscope: I like your style.
Sooo...what exactly do I gain from this? I mean, not to troll or anything, but my skin burning, insanely blinding laser always impresses my friends with no real explination other that "its mah lazur!!" (yes, they make me sad as well) but I don't think that the whole "hey, look at my cool anti-laser! It absorbs nearly…
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: *she
I honestly think my Vinyls are the only media I pay for anymore. Of course, I save it solely for my absolute favorite music so I guess I'll have a lot less but this process doesn't seem too bad. Just takes some time.
@geolemon: Happy fun cube?
@chuckrich81: Yeah, something like that. But without being a drunken bitch and hopefully a little less glass.