
@Railgun5: Thanks for clarifying. I was referring to the cables holding the magnets in place thus messing up the arrangement. Didn't do a very good job of that though. And now that you mention it, it's been a while since I had doughnuts...

Damn thats one sexy table. Chances are though that my first test would be to see if I could stand on it. I'm already preparing myself mentally for it to break somehow and for me to be very sad. Alas, even with knowing the consequences, I would still try it simply for the prospect of it actually working.

Maybe LG just needs to take a que from Foxcon on how to properly work your employees...

@Billybird: Perhaps Tacky is the wrong word. But when you're meeting people like this guy as well as other famous people for consulting on what they need for their ship, it's sort of frowned upon to be snapping photos like a camera-happy tourist. But my dad has managed to keep it professional and still bring back some

My dad works for the company that installs telecommunications for all these private and commercial yachts and cruise ships (MTN) and he is constantly traveling to meet with clients onboard their ships. He brings back photos of these ships (part of the job, not being tacky) and they are simply amazing. These diagrams

I see that it's made by the DeLorean Motor Company. Good choice.

@Mark 2000: You've obviously never heard a vinyl that was kept in good condition played on a great sounding system. I have a distant relative (I honestly have no idea how I'm related to the guy) who's system pretty much fits the bill of the obsessive audiophile with all the "voodoo" and while at his place one time he

I love this post. I have an excellent system and it didn't cost me more than a few grand. I'm not one for all the bells and whistles but I really wish the image of audio enthusiasts would change in the near future.

@pixelsnader: I don't know you at all but this picture alone gets you a heart click.

@ding-dang: I honestly think you have just brought my last two weeks of existence into this one comment. Heart clicky for you.

Not going to lie, that's pretty cool. If I didn't already want to try it, I sure as hell do now.

Wait...if I went through hell yesterday for hours to pre-order the phone, do I still get mine on the 24th? This is bullshit.

@Pook365: Hopefully it will be able to change with a software update. Even if it is only on WiFi, it's still better than not having it at all.

I'm confused (which is rare), this is only iPhone to iPhone? Does this mean I won't be able to call up my girlfriend and video chat with her on her Evo anytime soon?

@interkin3tic: Crap. This was cross posted to Gizmodo. Sorry everybody, haven't owned a system since my PS2.

I'm not even a gamer and I think I'll buy whatever system this comes out for.

So basically the stadium will be ready just in time to run inside and pray that it can withstand apocalypse?

Was it just me or did anybody else feel the need to begin singing the Yu-Gi-Oh! theme song right around 1:43 of the video?