
“I am a person. I have a person-ality. I take things person-ally, because I’m person-able. You can’t do those things when you’re not a person. And I am a person.”

Cookie Monster is actually a pretty eloquent speaker when he needs to be. True story!

Nightmare on Elm Street...

All the stars to you! I could not agree more. #Hillyes but access to voting above all else.

Speaking as a Hillary supporter: good. Any increase in access to voting rights is a thing to strive for.

I hope she gets hit hard on this by the Sanders camp. Or the media. Or god damn anybody.

I H8 C8

Has anyone burned off as much goodwill as quickly as she has since she transitioned?

(A) Sodium dodecyl sulfate (AKA sodium lauryl sulfate, SLS) is about as safe as you can expect a detergent to be.

I’m going to get so much shit for this BUT, this is why I make my own detergent: dr bronners Magic Castile soap, borax, washing soda. Cheap as hell, effective, more environmentally friendly than 7th generation, works with cold water, is a great pre-treater, is gentle on delicates, and I love it. I switched 4 years ago

Yep. Fuck those rich people. They should be poor too. Everyone should be poor!

if i had the money id buy it and then covert it into affordable housing and watch the rich people shit their pants

Public schools with have programs that private schools just won’t. Sometimes those options are high quality, and sometimes they aren’t. 45% of teachers quit within the first five years. That figure is much higher for special education teachers, because the positions are often very challenging. If you get a solid,

Yep. This is not discussed enough.

They couldn’t get it done because as a state, they had very little power to actually control rising health care costs and drug prices. Under nationalized health insurance, the federal government would have much more leverage to force them to cut costs. There’s a reason U.S. manufactured drugs are cheaper in Canada.

It’s not easy to talk about the real issues in education. I feel like the public needs to be eased into this conversation. Because I’ve talked with parents at community events, and if you try telling them, well, there are these community organizations who are actually fronts for corporate interests, and they are

Only took them an hour and a half to get to the topic of education, but they did spend nine whole minutes on it. Thanks, guys.

I ideologically prefer Bernie on foreign policy, but I trust Hillary. I know that she knows the players and knows the game. She might not do what I want her to do, but I expect her to avoid dangerous mistakes. I also recognise that what I prefer (which is basically extreme pacifism, lol) might not be the best path.

“DIY” and “abortion” are two words that should not have to be in the same sentence in the twenty-first century.