
We must bring Jon Stewart back by fiat.

Cool! Cool. Cooool. Cool. Cool cool cool. COOL COOL. cOOoOoOoOooOl (starts sobbing).

I grew up in the forties/fifties and remember friends and family who got polio; some died, some ended in iron lungs and some came back with withered limbs. The vaccine changed everything in a few years. This is what the anti-vexers do not know and what they are doing/not doing can bring polio back.

Thank you for the well thought out response. Those are many of the reasons that have changed my mind through the years. The more I learn about the topic the less and less I feel conflicted about it. I do know that after learning about how unfair most state laws are to women, especially mandatory counseling before

It’s truly as simple as don’t have an abortion then. Just don’t force your beliefs or opinions on other people and their bodily autonomy.

Would removing a cancerous tumor also be considered murder? It’s basically a living cluster of “human” cells too.

Good thing, then, that the author is not behaving as if it’s simple: “I never once took that choice lightly. No regrets is not the same thing as no questions, or no struggles, or no mute minutes lost in thought . . .”

I love it when fence-sitters like you try very earnestly to explain that some people sincerely believe abortion is murder. You’re like the apologist who insists that more people would embrace Christianity if they just knew all the cool stuff Jesus said, like that shit is some well-kept secret. WE FUCKING GET IT. THE

If you are undecided or against abortion, that’s 100% fine. The issue is when you or people like you want push your beliefs and legislate those beliefs to impact all women. That’s the point here. Essentially: mind your own business.

Whoever wrote that response is my new role model.

There’s been a few responses to this letter but this one is my favorite (H/T Backtalk).

For real. My jaw dropped reading that line. What a fucking clueless douche of the highest degree.

“I shouldn’t have to see the pain, struggle, and despair of homeless people to and from my way to work every day.”

Trump vs. Kanye should totally be the next great twitter feud.

Please, let there be a fight between Kanye and Trump. I'll bring the whisky!

That’s my biggest problem with Hillary. I will in all likelihood vote for her in the primary, but her campaign (and she herself) have been harping on “WOMAN, WOMAN, WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!” so much that they, themselves, haven’t been championing these great accomplishments in the open.

It strikes me as a little disingenuous that so many of us who supported a very unqualified Barack Obama (including me) are suddenly now all about the qualifications.

I was wondering about this when I saw it on that valentines list. I thought maybe it was just some random rock. What a dummy. I hope she gets a stiffer fine. People do this in every park, and it ruins the area. If I want to see some stupid youths names on something, I can go look at the picnic benches in the park by

I know the Clinton / Sanders competition is a hot button topic around here, but I for one am pleased that Dem voters have two very qualified candidates to pick from. It seems highly revealing that the Republican contest is such a clown car cluster fuck. There really is no clear “winner,” just who is less of a total

i have to say, as a non American I find it really odd that the "she chose to get pregnant" bit gets thrown around so much in a country that fails to provide safe, affordable access to abortion or birth control.