
When will people understand? that as far as Central America goes, justice doesn’t exist! Unless you are white, wealthy and male.

In our country’s defense, it is a magical place! blessed with amazing flora and fauna... but culturally it’s a shithole.

I don’t know much about science or archeology, but my grandma was Mayan and somehow that reconstruction looks like my grandma. Fun fact, my grandma Toyita had a mole in that exact spot.

The breaking point for my pastor was when I told him that maybe we should start praying for more realistic miracles, and acceptance of situations we can’t control or change. I was basically ran out of the church.

But he is! By letting Satan interfere, why don’t you get is all in God’s perfect plan, he makes no mistakes!

I made the mistake to look him up, his “hit” single Gummo is horrible... “I don’t do old hoes, only new ones” made too much sick sense after reading this.

That always confuses me about her. she always looks good, hair, make up, clothes but make no mistake, she is horrible! entertaining but horrible.

Latinos that live in places like California forget very fast that the rest of the country is like 70% white!

I can’t imagine living a place where there isn’t a strong Latino presence. What is life like in Alabama for a Latino? An undocumented Latino!? I like Los Angeles and I’m hoping to live the rest of my life here.

Thank you black women!

Women of color will ... men are just men.

I have very little sympathy for humans in general and dislike most people. I had my own hell when I was a child but for some odd reason I feel like you would be the type of person I would be friends with.

This actually makes perfect sense, I always thought I was just dead inside. I have very little sympathy for humans In general, Animals and the environment get all my love.

okay. Do you and feel better.

I’m sorry it made sense in my head, you said it must be nice to just do just soap basically, and how somehow women seem to need a lot more of products, and I projected how I get subscription boxes because who doesn’t need 20 mascaras. Sorry I think I was still high from and edible I had. And yes the unpacking of

Suscription boxes! because 20 mascaras ain’t enough.

I’m not you and obviously every person is different... having said that I feel like my life is decently normal, sure my heart is sour and pickled and I don’t trust anyone and I mean no one... but I did manage to meet a wonderful man who I love and we have a daughter together. For some context my abuse was when I was

Because we the victims of pedophilia much rather avoid, bury, a lot of the times medicate and forget than relive the whole thing.

I’m sorry this happened to you.

This is so weird, I would think is worst since Republicans don’t back off at any type of wrong doing. Also is he so fucking dumb not to know that you can actually hire a surrogate instead of making your staffers uncomfortable? Hell, who am I kidding? Why pay someone when you can coerce to get a freebie from an under