Say what you want but... just mayo is pretty delicious and amazing.
Say what you want but... just mayo is pretty delicious and amazing.
I hope that once it’s proved that the Donald is a criminal he then gets arrested, and then condemed to exile and will have to re start his life as a god damn refugee/immigrant in Russia.
I envy you sooooo much... never really had a dad, but I like to think the universe is trying to compensate by giving me a great husband who now teaches my daughter and I how to do the things your dad taught you all the way down to sailing.
It doesn’t matter anymore, the mooch just quit according to CNN
congrats Donald! You have just enbolden another deplorable demographic of our society.
I would say that it will be maybe preferable to have kris as president than the thing we have. Also I don’t know, I mean I want extreme legal protection if I’m carrying a baby for someone else so an agency seems like the way to go. Hopefully those two are being generous and appreciative of the surrogate but that will…
Yes. I have very limited knowledge on the subject but I’m trying to at least understand it. I’m actually considering being a surrogate.
Thank you so much for your comment! I have very limited knowledge on the subject, I only know about the limit of compensation in California.
Not trying to defend those two... but there are limits to compensantion for surrogacy in the sate of California.
Omg.... followed your link and wasted too much time going through it. I don’t like you except your screen name is kinda cool.
I think is a liberal problem, to hope that a human can do the right thing eventually... when in reality never really happens. Shitty people are just that.
Wouldn’t be funny if atheist get a “heaven” ticket? I was raised as born again Christian and left it on my mid twenties and by god since then I’m a better person, I actually care about my fellow humans, the planet and animals... atheist can be way more caring and less judgmental, just the way Jesus would’ve want it.
You seems pretty reasonable :). I think my neighborhood is very deep into “if you aren’t black you aren’t welcome” I’ve been told this to my face several times. Sadly for me I love my house and I can’t afford to live anywhere else. I’ll continue to volunteer in the local school and showing up because even if I’m not…
I really enjoyed all of your comments, they were informative to me. As a brown immigrant woman Bernie resonated with me and my community because to us all other struggles come second to immigration reform and I think that is why he won the heavy Latino populated districts in my town.
I know all bodies are different but 4 days after birth I had the flattest belly with abs I’ve ever had! I couldn’t believe it, then around a year later my tummy went back to pouchy :( my body tricked me and deceived me into thinking it was gonna last forever.
I know this won’t be popular... but if Donald jr wasn’t the son of the thing, i would give him a hug and tell him how everything can and will be used against you in a court of law. He is so dumb it’s almost sad.
I’m sorry but fuck that! and by god my ancestors (Mayans) including my grandma gave birth to my mother in a ditch in the back of her farm without any help. My husband wouldn’t even cut the umbilical cord because it was “icky”, I mean when they pull out the mirror when I was pushing I was like take that away, the less…
I’m afraid to google Lotus birth. I refused to acknowledge my own placenta after giving birth.
In my brown world marrying a white guy was bad, I wasn’t told to marry up and marry a white person, I was taught we gotta stick with our own because culture and customs, same was said when my brother was dating a black woman.