
Oh you enjoy a misplaced phallus, what a surprise.

Any movie that makes a sundae out of Chris Evans's ass is a goddamn masterpiece.

Then you should really stop wearing your clothes inside out and wagging your tongue.

No, he is their biggest star, and if he deleted his account, Youtube would lose a lot of revenue. And if PewDiePie joined a rival streaming service, as he undoubtedly would, that would be catastrophic for Youtube, especially since other Youtubers would probably follow his lead. It would be like Fallon leaving

He's certainly free to shelter inside me for warmth.

No, I'd rather still with cloning the dinosaurs and fucking Jeff Goldblum.

Moreover, they were at the plantation for a "Sudden Death" challenge in which the two lowest-performing chefs fight against either to remain in the competition. It just so happened that the one black guy on the show was the lowest performing. He went against a white guy who basically won the challenge by default

Are you good at hand stands?

Okay, I came here expecting to talk about what Ford will do next season, but apparently I'm the only one who realizes (or hopes?) that the host he was creating in the lab during the "Bernard is a host reveal" was a copy of himself, and this copy is what Dolores shot.

Please tell me someone talked Hillary down. She doesn't get to take the easy way out!

Or any movie with brownish people must be anti-Trump.

-Initially I thought Jim was insufferable, but they did that thing where the veterans became our surrogate during the quickfire, and hearing them gush about him made me like him too. Damn TV manipulation.

This was how I able to join the debate team.

In about two years, I bet the only role Hollywood will allow her is playing Garfield's mom.

I think that's the favored salutation among the conservative elite.

And strip.

But I can't delete what I've never had… :(

And interestingly Delos is the Greek island known as the mythological birthplace of the sun god Apollo. The island also, coincidentally, overlooks the neighboring Mykonos, the party and pleasure island where people of various tastes go to fulfill their desires….hmmm.

Weber seems like an appropriate surname because the sociologist Max Weber, a founding father of sociology, mainly studied the strictures on social action, individual freedom, and disenchantment with the rational world.