
I made the unfortunate mistake of starting Black Mirror season 1 a week before November 8…


That's not an infinity stone you're rubbing, but if you keep at it, you're in for a climactic ending.

I read your last paragraph 3 times, and I still have no idea what you're talking about.

One interesting take is the tape and subsequent victims that came forward was a turning point because the victims were white. Trump calling Mexicans rapists; the Venezuelan Miss Universe Miss Piggy; insulting a Gold Star Muslim mother? That was all A-OKAY. But when America found out he was assaulting white women, he

I too prefer a Fat Willy over a Slim Willy.

The best kind of vacation.

I could see Malia going for it in a couple decades.

Yeah I was at a private concert he did a couple of years ago. It great and he was so full of energy—he seems to really come alive as a performer when in more intimate settings (than like an arena).

I'd love to be eternally trapped in with his bit parts.

Yeah, I was a Bernie supporter, but I laughed out loud when I finally read the excerpts from Hillary's Wall Street speeches. I was like: this is the worst she said? This is what we made a big ruckus about? Everything leaked from the emails were perfectly sane, informed statements from a campaign that completely has

I would be completely shocked if he controls his Twitter account or has sent a tweet out in his life.

It's just happy to see you.

To be fair, slumping is his normal gait.

OMFG when I saw that trailer I thought it was a parody skit from Kimmel. The story of the origin of the Great Wall of China…starring Matt Damon. We should have left him on Mars.

Yes you refuse, or more likely are unable to answer my question. In fact your comment supports the idea that a bagel is a blank canvas. One can chose to add a savory element (like salt or garlic), based on their personal preference, but none of that suggests it is inherently savory.

None of what you said supports the idea that a bagel is inherently savory.

But you never told me what your standard was. You never answered why a bagel is inherently savory.
Every standard bagel recipe includes flour, water, salt and sugar. So do you only eat bagels made without the sugar? And do you never eat bagels with cream cheese? Do you only eat bagels with an appropriately savory

No, a doughnut is fried dough. And every bagel recipe always calls for sugar.

Sorry for not applying a ridiculous, false dichotomy to grain.