
I think it is very important to distinguish between compassion and empathy. Empathy can be a very biased, misguided and destructive force. I recently read Against Empathy and it was eyeopening.

Everyone he's interviewing is refusing to pledge their honest loyalty, the fuckers.


And Christians.

That's what you think…He can paint landscapes with his tongue.

When you're a megalomaniac creep, Ukraine let's you do anything. You can grab them by the Crimea.


At this rate, will Rachael get around to discussing the tax returns at 9:58?

Watching right now. Wish I had popcorn. Or alcohol.

*slowly takes off shoes and walks into sea*

Breitbart headline: La La Land gets robbed by black group. Black crime out of control

WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! So place your bets, was this all staged?

I forgot how beautiful Sara's voice is

He'll get it for Hamilton the Movie.

It's an amalgam for "latchkey." Must be some code for something. A cry for help?


No, Christ Evans is our salvation, sorry.

Look, they eat things! They are just like us!

I think it's a little underrated, but the best thing about it is still the visuals. It could have been iconic, but unfortunately, the film treated it's audience like children.

Oh cool Christ Evans is coming up next.