
If you insist…

"That album title sounds like the scribblings of a serial killer. Then again I like fun."

I would rather live in a legitimately haunted Murder House than make another attempt at watching American Horror Story.

And they had the nerve to misquote him. He didn't say it would just be "album of life," he said it would be "album of THE life"!!

And (*ahem*) Mr. Dowd, it's in medias res, not in media res.

I remember hearing him admitting just that in an interview, and I don't blame him. He wants to make the most money he can, while he still can, because the fame will go away in an instant, especially when you're a black man who isn't a Hollywood-standard hunk. Not to mention he can leave his kids with a huge trust…

One of them is short and puerile, and the other is a keen and gifted actor.

I prefer "Disgust" because that's usually what I feel when I use it.


Nope, they actually recreated it themselves!

We are basically dating.

I started gagging as soon as I saw the picture of the "eggs", no thanks I'll starve for four days.



Jennifer Lawrence as Sacagawea has me laughing at loud.

I kinda wish the kid had got a nom. That would have been awesome.

Exactly, racism is a system of advantage based on race, and award shows demonstrate that vividly.

These aren't the best performances, but you could also add:
Oscar Issac, Ex Machina
Will Smith, Concussion
The point being that there are SO MANY minority performances that were just as good as the usual white nominee performances, yet not ONE was nominated.

Can you say a bit more about this, or recommend an article? I don't know much about social mobility and the arts in the UK but I find it interesting.

Hasn't she already beat cancer? She slapped cancer in the face while filming Harry Potter, then kept on working.