
Fuck that intelligent, articulate, respected author for having an opinion on one of the most important and consequential conflicts of our time. And let's not even mention that vag she has between her legs.


I actually would love to hear Martha Stewart frame her answer using a recipe for apple fritters.

Harry Potter and the Gas Chamb….No I can't do it. I can't.

If it had been a torch, it would would not have been clear that she might set the boat on fire, nor would the audience be as horrified as they are with the bow and arrow. The bow and arrow is not just a reference to lighting the boat on fire ritual, but that it was a weapon meant to induce a fearful reaction form the

The bow and arrow was a reference to a traditional Viking funeral, where you lay the deceased in a boat, then light it on fire with a flaming arrow. So when you see they arrow in the sketch, you have a brief moment of horror when you think she is going to be lit on fire alive. The joke landed well; it just went

The least you could do is sweep up the little pieces of my brain that splattered across the floor.

My burst was more monochromatic, actually.

Suka and Dika, a match made in heaven.

The tears of his fans is one hell of a drug.

Is this a joke?????

Can anyone tell me what the fuck this show Oliver Kittenrange is about and why I should apparently be watching it????

You have John Krasinski, don't be greedy!

tears of…?


Yeah, it's like writing, but louder and with eye contact!

I've always found Ignatiy to usually be one of the most insightful and informed film critics. That combined with his name, made be picture him as an old man with a flowing grey bread (and a Mac). Turns out he has a baby face, and my dreams are shattered.

I'd say that's a huge leap.

Don't call him gay. That's offensive!

Is he really "refusing to cover any and all things Bernie"? I recall Berie Sanders on the show a couple months ago, and remember Bill praising Bernie the entire time and he seemed delighted at Bernie's suggestion that he was considering a run for president.