
I'd much prefer it on My Face.

Obligatory: the Weeknd*

That's messed up Dikachu. Don't call your mom a cow.

Chinese food makes me…
*retches intestines out, dies*

As I needed more of a reason to hate myself, I did see one of their music videos and, in their defense, it seems like they all play actual instruments, which is more than you can say for One Direction.
I also hate myself for knowing that their shorthand name, 5sos, is pronounced "Five-sauce." Kill me.

I don't think its just the criminal aspect that excites, her but also the idea of being a businesswomen running an enterprise, what with her artisinal soap thing with her ex-bff having gone down the drain (no pun intended?). Not to mention that newsletter thing she tried to start.

It was very Shakespearean. Mortally wounded, but wouldn't stop yapping.

No pun intended.


If only…

Looking at the first photo, I can't decide whether I want to be his mouth, or his fingers.
That is all.

Why couldn't the castle be both?

This is why I only listen to the recorder version.

Your sentence should have ended at "bought a DVD."

Yet I still get the feeling that it's an ode to black dick.

That was the most terrifying ass I've ever seen, coming from someone who normally enjoys man butts.

I never said "expecting a person to be friendly is 'a misogynistic ideal'," nor did you ever say she should be friendlier in your original comment. Sleeping pills, try them.

Well that's not what I said. But thank you for letting me know that your sniveling does not discriminate by gender. Take a nap.

Please make the appropriate arrangements to have your brain frozen, for if the technology becomes available in my life time, I would like to implant all the brain cells that contain all your memories of David Foster Wallace into my own brain, then spend eternity reliving those memories.

What bothers me is part of this backlash from the interviewers (and you), is that your expectations for "this chick" and her behavior seem rooted in misogynistic ideals about how a young successful woman should present herself, with all smiles, and very grateful and readily apologetic. But instead, she was tired and